Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 16, 5 October 1893 — NO ANNEXATION OF HAWAII. [ARTICLE]


Tho appointroent of Mr. Wilh® • as minister to Hawaii i* iwlional* lj interprete<1 ha indicating tbal • the Rdniinistratioa will not carry out Mr. Han-iaon’» sc«ndaloi;!» and outr»geon» policy of an nexa- -■ tion. Did Mr. Cle%elaud mU*i • to comply witb the reqne»t of lf.« Honolnlo trmitor» and »uppre*4 . thc independence of .% frieml’j people. it wonld not bo neeema: j - to »end »n offici«l b»lf roond tbo g]obe to do it. There »re eoongfi of tbese traitor» in Wa»hingtcn wiih »deqa*te cre<)entuiU fron» ; tbe in»argent goTern»ent to eegotiate a treaty of anoex>tion within a fortnigbi. Tbia action. in connectioo witb Comeaimiooer Blonnt's retora from Hawaii, is significant It sppears to sbow tbat dnnng bi» inrestigations be foond no jo»ti fieation f* r tbe •xtraord nary condnctof thelateadaini»trstion. iWhile tbis di*cloenre i» noi new, it ia important ss confinning tbo opiaion fonned at tbe time of UiS detbronement ol tbe Qoeen anj tbe negotiation of tbe treety ofi I annexatioo witb ker rebelliocn

■akj«cte All tiu inforra»Uoc tb«B ohUinabl“ ir;Uu*aUvl vitbout tbe ruor»1. if. not active. *opport of Mim>lftr Steven5. tfci> revototion woat<l ijot bavo occarred, or, :f hs>l xscorre«t it voald h*Te soon collapsed. It was fartber hooyed ap br tke treaty tb«t Mr. Harrison m de baste to oe£Oiiatc and present to tbe United State S*nate in «ceonlanee witb apluuthat »ppeared to have bet<n prearntnge<t. What nCw ligbt Mr. Blouafs inreatigitions thn>w on tbe diaoreditable cxbibition of Annrieau jingnism wil! not l>e known unt;l the poblication of his rej>ort witbin'tbe next two rr«eks. Bnt if he was not able to pet at the bottora faots in r»'gard t > it. Cougress eoald not engage in a Tnore pmiaeworthy uuderlakiag th»n «n attempt lo discover tbem Nothi g would do more to create h heuitby puhl’e sentiment onthe 8ubjeot of jiogoipm th«n u eomp)ete bistory of Mr. Harri.sou's efl’ort to close his admiaistrHtion witb a brillisnt eoup «t the eost of tbo indej>endciK*e of Huwaii and the honor <i tho United States (Rocl>c*t''r Advertiser.)