Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 26, 17 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Wfcereas, Jos. Pukaah havins; res»£ned as Agent for me. tberefore, noliee is hereby given to &11 persons boldicg lea«es of ail of my lan>ls. to make payments of rent to me persona!Iy «t tbe times »greed upon at KaaUa, Honoinlo. POMAIKELAM. Kaa! la.. Honoinln, Oct. 16. 1H93. ocl7 1 w NOTICE 0F FORECIOSURE 0F MOBTGAGE. In accordance v th> puwer oi saie oontaāncd in « o-rt*in monpw m«l« kr l»twwi> KAHiLEnOU >•( Kennhoo. S. Kon*. IsUi»i of K««r .n, Hiiw&iuiu IU.»a.is, o( tl»? fis>t v«rt, *nd H. N. C*stle, oi Hondnln. Onhn, o( tbe «eonnil jwrt, ; iUied March .HKh, A. D. 1(96, an«l neonlol tn thc >ffice ot tiie »f ConT*r»noes i :u Ltber W. F»i:oc 2.‘4 tnil iV>. ,m ! «s»igue>l bjr stid H. N. t'»stlc. Tni«trf, to N«ncy 1 K. Ixmis bj' iustrr.uuut dal«ii Jnn« loth, A. D. IS90, an«i rvcor ied in Libcr 99, Fobo 254, «nii for breach ' i con«iiti,>n of thc i ab«.>Te meutione«i ru. >rt ps cr thcrcfore the jowiguee oi said mortg«£e hcreby jdves not;cc Uut sbe will iuiry into effcot the sa»l p»werof sait>, «n<i that «f*er ihe eipimtion of three weeks from this dafe, the preīu:» s meutione«l iu soid mortgage will be sold at publ;c ancttou at tbe salesrooluo( L. J. LEVkV in Honolnin at 12 a'duck noonol the 4th d«y ot Noveiuber, A. D. lsftt. For fnr*her r».rt:cnlars :uquire of J. L KAULUKOU. Attornev for Ass^tnre. NANOĪ K. IX)ITS, A"iu'ūev. Honolnlu, 4)ctohcr I4tb, A. D. IfSW. IVemis»-s descnbe«i in tho at>ove menUoued tuortpvge; All that pi«-ce of land aituaie at Koinm, Kapalama. Uonolalu, Oahu, being Apaua 1 descril<ed in doed from Kai.ihamo an<l Kaai>e..ikai t > Kahalekou. «n i recunled in the »ffioe of the Kegistrar o( Gonveyances in Libcr ir>, Folio ;444, aad cont«iniuc an area o( 50-100 aere. 24-3w SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. i-Filst-Class Accommotlation for Tourista and Island Guests. SUPĒRI0R BATHIHG FACILITIēS. Private Cottages for FamilieS. T. A. SIMFSON. cct9 Munager. LEWIS & Co., W holesaie and Retail 6rocers AND « PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8aa Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmon is Babhels a Specialtt. /// Fort Sf., Honolulu. Tel. 240. P. O. Bpx 207CITY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Qaeen Emma Hall, Established 1883. J0S. TINKER, FAMILYSāBUTCHER Malcer of the Celebrat'd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbt Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of| tbe City and Saburbs. Miuual Telephon« Namb«r *2S9. HO YEN KEE * CO„ Tiusmitbs and dealers in Crock* erv ware. Giassware. etc. Water Pipes Laid and Repaired. Xc*tSj Eircubni p No. 41 Nueano St. between King and Hotel Streets, A«en Building.