Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 26, 17 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

AVMT PBOJECT COKSĪiIT UIE (F SCBOOSFHS - Oh«Wt tir iLu I Owing fto por eou*tant!v increa-mg busn aml the great liemaiul of *»n •npreciadag comoiunity. wv har* roacloded to orter an opportanily to «ii p«rttes i a\icg capital Oor LINE of Si'HOONEKS may h> scen glidiitg rer the BAK filled to their ntraost canying c»pacitr *r,th ole*r eool aml invigoratmg Fred.Hck.burg, m At the "Anelioi* Saloon." To «ccommodate oor Vast Fleet of Schooners. re ha*e boilt a fine large Kefrigorator reg»rdl«t« of i*t>st. ctLCr,” Is tbe only plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburc Beer on d*raugbt ean be hatl in Honolulu. Step forwaru gentlemen, NUW S the Tuue. oeU 3m

L. H. DEE, Jobl>er of \Vines. Spiiib aml Beets HOTEL ST., Botween Fort aiul Bethei Streets OHEAP FUEL Fivsh A >a ■ • Fiivwood . $9.00 per Cord Oe!lvercd JNO F. COLBriL\ a ( o S«“.'| lll> CHAS. GfRDLEK. Importcr aml Coinmissii : Merchant. 8PECIALTIES: J. k P. C’o*ts’ Maehio» T\r*>»<! Jotuw Hrock»’ M»rkine Thnt<l Harhonr'!« Linen Tkrvml Pean’ So«p P. O. Hoi 358. Mntnai A» 13 Ka&hamaeu S’.iwl. JUST ARRIVED. Bal3y Camages OF ALL STTI.ES, ■:Cai’pc‘ts, Rugs, Mats IN THE LATEST PATTERXS. “HOUSEHOLD* Sewing Machines HaVD SEHTMi MACHrSES, ty All WjUi Ik* UiM !«• roT»taeaU’^f3 PAKLOK Or2ans, Guitars, A»d Other Maaieal Ia»tnm«BU. il Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAT8 on hani>. axd FOB 8ALE BY ED. HOĪTSCHLiEGEB l 60 i KiBg St. oppo. C«*tte * Cooka »

Criterion Saloon PFIi AUSTRAL1A. anotber Invoice of tbe celebrateil JOHN WEILAND EXTRA PALE LAGER BEER. Also, a Fbesh I.woioe of California Oysters FOR OYSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DEE, Proprictor. FAT BOY.’ BAYH0RSE33 SALOON I P. McINERNT, FnopRirroR, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. CoEVER B*THEL A\D H<iTEL Sr<. Th*o. P. Sfveriv, A. W. Dol.«tlr. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 Xrr.oir Stbekt. Humme, iOppo. Qncf& Emnu Views of the Island Consumij on H*ad. sncb u Poi, Grui Honm Hu!*hnla D»ncers. Coo *nut Gritm Strwt View» *sd H»w*ii*n Strle IL.Hne BsiUiBgL Palai *nd D*te Onm W*r Shipping *nd Uuum Vieir*. Al*t>. • L*rge CoOeetton of •!> Pr>minenl *nd Intere*ting View» o( tbe H*w*t:ui Isl*nd* eitber moantcd or anmount«d. Am*tenr Worfc S«iicited. P.O. Box iS*5, WIN6 WO TAI & Co.. So. 214 Nuu*na Strret. COiIMlSSK)N MKRCHANTS Iapxter» snd Dcaten ui GEX L MEHi'UA SDIS£. Fine Manila Cigars, Chiues« aml JapaneseCrock’ryware, Mattings Vaaes of all kimlĀ. Camphorwoo«l Trunks. Rattan Cbairs, a Fine Aaaonmenl of 8ilk9. Best Brtnds of Cbinese and Japaneso Teas of Latest Importations. Inspection of New Ooods Respectfullv Solicited. Matnal TeL 266, P. O. Bci 158.