Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 32, 24 October 1893 — BEER OR WATER?? [ARTICLE]


0r i* lt a liUle «f eaeh! The Makiki Pumping Plant doesn’t seem to be a great success. Mr. Emile Werv who probablv kuows all aboat the Water M’orks of this citv has been iutenriewed by a representative of this paper an«l he -imilea broadlv whenever '* water is iuontioue<l. At tho svme timo be feeU somewhat surprised and hurt in his feelings. bec »nse the beer and whiskey whieh the poliee chose to ccnfiscate from him tbe other day h«vedecidedly disappeared. Mr. Wety was i>nlled up by oor brīlliant Mmhal or his satellites for keeping a disordarly honse. The Court remarkable to say differed from the great Marshal, und Mr. Wery was discharged from all accusations. Mr. Wery who is a very genial o!d Frenchman. fnll of hnmor thought that he might as well take his ‘'stock of beverages home and conseqnently called at the Poliee Station and asked tbe Lords in charge to “fork over' the stuff. Mr. Wery was informed that the demijobn filled with whiskey whieh was seized had met with an accident and that all the whiskoy had been spilled (down the throats of some polieemen) j whiie he learned th»t lie wouhl 1 be able to rocover abont elev*>n bottles of beer out of soveuteen with whioii he accommodi»tevl Ihe departnient. M'e nnly menlion j this little inaianee raora eapeeinl- • ly becanse the Deputy-M«i>bal otf»*red to pnt Mr. Wery “out and ao defend lus cfficers, and beeans«* Mr. Wery who is an old experienced man in the “water bnsiness, elaima that he eannot “oonnect” and that he is m dnty bonnd to uttend to beer as Mr. Andy Browu is drawing all the water whieh ean l*e gottan from the Makiki Pumping Plant Emile says, thathe really doean’t care mneh for water and that he prefers beer eveiy time. but be kicks when the governraent eonfiscaiea his l»eer and doesn t fornish him with water.