Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 56, 22 November 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The arrival of the Charapion atfords the present government au opportunity to show this eommunity, that it is “lawfully and legally acknowledged by every other government having relations with it. ’ The following persons went to Maui and Kauai yesterday. For Maui—J W Colville, Mrs C Healey, Miss Silva, and S Ahmi. For Kauai—J C Lane, Miss Laurita Kaae, Mrs Kai Hong and child, J McQueen, H C Norton, C H Bishop, Master Lane, and E L Kauai. If the present government had spent Iess money on its useless military “force’’. and put tbe new market into shape, the present market need not now be used for that purpose, or for the breeding of “scourges of death.” Those two P. G. prowlers. who stand iu the sbadow of the large tree at the corner of the first bridge on Nuuanu Avenue, sbould be in their beds at night, instead <if being on tbe street making fools of themselves. The steamers Monowai from San Francisco, and \Varrimoo from Vancouver are due to arr;ve to:norrow en route to the CoIonies. News to tbe lbth. instant will be received. The Monowai may prgsibly be a day or so Iate, being detained for the Engl?sh mails. The following passengers arrived this morning by the Kinau from Hawaii and Maui: From the Tolcano. —W Peake, E R ' Recker, C M White, F B McStocker. From way ports. —Geo Deaoon, W Berlowitz, A Hood, ; Geo Chalmers. wife and 5 child- . ren, Mrs E G Hitchcock, E B ! Gitfard. Henn’ Hall. Akana, wife j and 2 childreu. Miss Lewis, R F Lange, Jas Renton. L Aseu, T H Davies, Geo Davies, Akona, B Weeding. Dr Kronecker. Miss A Walker, Miss Beila Walker, Chas Hetferman. T R Keyworth, Miss Parke, and 59 on deck. Cargo.— 306 bags spuds, 36 bags corn, 99 bags sugar, 195 bundles bides, 1 buudie goat skius. 10 borses, 21 hogs and 109 pkgs sundries.