Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — DECEMBEH DEATHS . [ARTICLE]


Honolulu’s Record of He&lth. XI r. C. B. Koy nolds, the Ag®ut of the BoanI of He«lth hnt* pieseuted hih monthlv report for Deoember, of the de«th6, aud oaneee, m the distriet o! Hono lulu The total uumber of deatba i8 55 aml whioh record plaees the Deceuiber of 1893, in the vau of similar mouths, ainoe 1889. Followiug is the detail of the report L’uvlftr 1 veu ..13 Frum 30 W W S >>0111 lh>5 6 r.vai 40 t» 54.* 4 From 5 to 10 0 Fn>m 50 U> 80 6 Fn>m 10 to 20 .. 2 ; From 60 to 70 J From 20 lo 30 4 1 Owr T0 i Utl« 32 f Fewal«e 21 HM«gāuuM >4 I Linaa HnUiu i Olūnew 7 I l uiud Sut«w ... » Purtug«*~ . 6 OtlM*r lulionalui*» • Jftpan««« 4 | ToUl « l'-tutun«l«d • 13 NonItefti(teuU 0 OWNUmi J*ONTMLV MO*TALIT\ l)rc., .. 87 | lU*, 1802 ... ., Dec.. 1S5W • 53 j Uee.. I8W. . ja iw. laai,...'.. 54] Of the eaueea of death, ol«i age olaim> 7 victims; eousumption t». fever 6. diarrhtea 4. drop«y 4 aud 20 other eomplaiuia. A. KOSA. ATTUaSE\ AT LAW’. No. ro KaahutBanubt. Honolula Hawaiian isl*ndt>.