Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


: i i [We do not hold ourselreg re4ponsibIe ior tbe opiniona or the utterances of our correspondents.] < Morahty vs. Speculation. i i j Editor Holomua There is a cla?s or cliqne oi 1 Cbristian (?) people in our ( i oomrounity who are constantly 1 seeing “the roote that is in their 1 : neighbor's eye, but do not perceive the beam that is in their 1 own eye.” During the past year, that class has written a good 1 deal about the morals of some of 1 their neighbors. also have roade allusions to iroproper (?) events j of past years 1 , The debauching hula has been a principal theme of attaok. Yet, ’ it inav be s«felv said. that in a • * ( number of the ' best’ soc;ety farailie« in this oity. the sons and daughtersareapt/*nfr< kni'ianem ( '*They who live in glass bouses * hould not throw stones,” * i What was the sceue last S»tur | day. Three hula <la)u:er$ went to 4 ; San pmneiaoo on the Auaimlia. ' 1 nuder engagemeut ipresnraably) I to Mr. L. A. Tl:urstou. who ; superintends the Hawaiian exhibit at the Midwinter Fair. It I | is troe that the stateroent has ' been made that only a mild hula ( kni will be allowed to be danced. ( Wh»t ridicalonsuess Have any ( of the parties interested everseen ( | niiUi hula kui. It has alao been i , tbat the girls have signed | ( a contract for five montbs. Whai specit«ele is now seeo? : , [ The verr class who have looked I aud written U|x>n the Hnla as an < abomination; for the sake of|i profit and p<uianiary benefit are ; t witling to set asida ali feelings of , i monlity »ud deeency. and enter j ] into a oontr«ct with giris lo um j tkeir ho-iin, so as to be able io | \ offeet the*ie«u» de t <entre and; | obt«in omeh «uouet«ry benefit ij The superinteadent of the Ha ’ - waiian exhibtt ia The Envoy 11 Exiraordso*rv and Mmister Plen- I rpotenttary, repreeenting the H

* Pnmwoal GtwernnrenJ «t Wasfa)ogton SHAME!!> "Consist«ncy lboa art * jowi" —(nr »me people U> pet . Observfr Editob Holomua: Do yoa reiacmber on the 14th # of Janaaiy )ast> W*s not that a reTo)ationan act. acted or pro malgated by the white legi$lators or nobles on tha' dav bv wiUallv ahsenting themse!ves from the prorogation of the Legis)atare as I provided by the Conslitation? Nevertheless. it was prorogaed Iegallv. not witbstanding their etforts to preveni a quoraic. See the roll-cal! on the day of prorogation of the last Leg.slatore as taken according tu the Constitation of '878 Call Roll. Editob Hei.om'A: On Friday evening Mr. McStocker, ehainnan evecutive comfnittee Annexation cinb. said in the <5 Xar that tLc Anneiation club had a metubership of | “some 25<X1 meinbers on this island alone.’ In Thrmu s Aimanae and Anonal. I read in the offioial statistics fnraished also by Mr. McStocker that on Sept. 30th the clab bad h membership of 3207 on th;s isiand aloue. Where are the othsr 707 > STaTI9TIC« ' £