Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 11 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Business Cards G.V.lACFifiLAHE&CO., ImportCTs and Coimis3ioii pderchants, Honolala, - Hawaiian Islands THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfaduring Jevtlei and Waichmaker, Mclnerny Block, 405 Fort St., Honolulu. HARR1S0N BROS., t3T CONTRACTOKS AND BU1LDERS, 208 Fort St., Honolnlu. MERCHAN'T’S EXCHANGE, S. I. SHA\V, Proprietor, CHOICE LIQ UORS and FINE BEER, Corner of King and Nuuanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu. BRUCE & A. J. GARTWRICHT Business of a Fiducian- Nature Transacted. Prompt attention given fo the management of £states, Guardianships, Trusts, etc., etc., etc. Oj)ices, : Gartxoright Building t ilerchant Street. Honolulu. ** " 1 * * * — PACiFIC 8AL00N, Comer King and Nuuanu Streets. EDW. WOLTER....Manager. The Finest selection of LIQUORS anfl B££R, sold anrwhere in the town. First-class attendeuce. Call and judge for yonrself. no 80-tf. FAT BOY.” BAYHŪRSE5a 8AL0ŪN I P. McIN£RNY, PKopRirpoR, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Ookxeh Bcthkl axd Hotkl Sts. Empire Saloon, t . JAMES OLDS, Propeiktob. Fine Wine& LiqnoP& BeeP, ALWATS ON HAND. Comer Nuuauu and Hotel Streets Beil Tekphonc 381. Post Office Boi,3£. W.W. WRIGHTISON Camage IWap Biiers Ix All 1ts Branches. Horseshoeing A SPEC1ALTY.- . 79 aad 80 King St, Eonoialu