Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 15 January 1894 — THE LAST RITES. Funeral of the Late F. S. Pratt. [ARTICLE]

THE LAST RITES. Funeral of the Late F. S. Pratt.

I In accord with previous notice, ! I as given in the daily papers the j foneraI of the late Franklin S. j Pratt who died oa the llth inst. 1 1 took plaee on last 8nnday after- { noon from St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Tho ceremonies at the chnrch were of a very impressive uaturo and were attended by n . large nnmbers of friends of the deceased. Undertaker Williams = had charge of the fuueral i arrangements connected with the trausfer of tho body from the j house to church and finally to the last resting plaee in Nuuanu Valley. At the church the National Baud, under the leadership of, Sinior Liboruio, p!ayed a dirge on the arrival of the body, and at the conclusion of the church j sen*ices headed the procossion, ' en route to the grave. playing i appropriate music. The pall bear- j ers were ex-Gov. A. S. Cleghorn, j Justice W. A. Whiting; ex-Judge Foster, Hous. W. G. Irwin, W. : F. Allen, G. Browu, Geo. Roses ! and J. 0. Carter. Sixtoen Hawaiians acted as kahilis bear- ! ers and walked by the sides of the hearse. There was a beautiful aud profuse display of flowers and a very lai*ge attendauce of ! mourning friends.