Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 15 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Mrs. Vina King is granted temporary liberty on $500 bail. The Pbonograph parlors an nonnee a transposition pnzzle for tbeir patrons. Mr. J. R. Wilson proprietor of the Volcano i>tables, at Hilo, is ! 1 in town. — Attempted stowaways are now being reported by every ontgoing j vessel, sail or steam. Kerosene oil is mounting upwards in price. And yet the Martha Davis is not heard from. TLe works of the Hawaiian Electric Light Co. are now stated to be in complete runuing order. The flagpole in front of No 1 ia being removed. Wonder if it is paid for? A great big tiu Star 5s floating around town B-»mewhere. Talk is i heard of a decoration to one of the Sraith family. The P. (1. baud will give a concert at Emma S4uare this evening. Nothing new on the programme. Mr. J. K. losepa formerly “Reverend” is quoted as writing a third of a eolumn of £nglish to the Advertiser. Tho PIantors Labor and Suply Co, propose to hold a meeting at the rooms of the Charaber o£ Commorco on the ‘22ud inst. By advertisement it is announced tbat Mr. and Mrs. Dole will receive at the Executive buildiug on January 17th in the raorniug. The weather in the early mornings is delightful eool and clear. Later iu the duy old Sol. asserts his peuctratiug inflaeneo. More articles aro beiug gathered together by Mr. T. W. Hobron for exportation to the Hawaiian e\hibition at tho Midwinter Fair. To strangers in town a ride to either Diarnoud Head or to Maunalua will prove sources of interest and enjoyraent. Busses go both ways. Dr, Beckwith, tbopastorof tho Central Uniou Church, receives a parting reception frora the ladies of the church this evening. Dr. Beckwith’s friends are invited. More lopers at Kalihi station awaitiug shipment to their final home on Molokai. Wonder if tho now annexat : on commission will visit Molokai, if they eome? The HoLovr\ hopes that the p»rtv who is stated to have taken a bridie from a horso belonging to the Hon. S. N. Castle will be speedily discovered and then ! severely punished. “Dake Henn*” the mate of the Kilane.a Hon has followed the eiample of Purser Smith, of the same vessel, and iook a sea-bath at Knkaian Hawaii, ou ihe vessel's last trīp thithor, It is reported that the price of lime is very apt b>*drance. Mueh of that article will be needed in the white-wa?h?ng process now in progrem in the Annezation Club, Secret ī>eagueand MarehaTs departraent, Target praotice was indulged in, ne«riy all day, yesterday by sevoral officials at tbe new range near the Lunalilo home. Several comp!aints hare beeu made of the pmeiiee, but it coutinoes now as a Sandav amosement. w Polo was iaken fr»re tbe Manipuria, «nd waa fir?t played by , Kuro|teana in 1&>3 at Ca!eutta, whither it had been br >ughi bv aome oiEeen stationed in Aeaam. i Th«* gatue eau, how«ver. be tr*oed back 600 yeare bef jw lbe Chr:«tian * era.