Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — A White Man’s Government. [ARTICLE]

A White Man’s Government.

Time and politics worksurprising changes. Every Republican newspaper iu the country is in effoct asserting thst the whites shonld rule iu Hawaii. It is i declarcd with empbasis that ihe j black natives are uufit to govern thcmselves or auybody else, that the whites have all tho wealth and all the intelligence, and that, aItbongh in a raiuority on the islands, it woukl be folly to think of entrusting tbe governmeot to the people who formerly owned every foot of the country aud governed it iu their own way. It is not so verv Iong ago that the Bepublicans could fiud notbing that was severe euough to say about wbat they were pleaaed to term a whiie mau’s government in the soutfaern states. They wonld not hear a word about property or intelligeuce. Neither of these oousideratious was to i ooani for anything aa against giving the blacks a ehanee to out-vote the whites and run thiugs in their own way. Senator Hoar himaeU, who 5s uow ia a atate ol poliiiea) fren*y throngh fear that the dark qneen m.»y oome to ber own again, and who ia aniiona ihat a oand of apeeniaiam and adveninrers ahonla aei up a white man’s gOTernment. waa not long * ainee, in an eqn*l state of fren*y over a auapioion that tha whihe i men in iue aoulh objectod to nnrestriotad dom»natioa by the hlaeka. II ia reaurkable how maoh loealion and poli|»oal 1 exieeacy ean hare to do w»th ’ puUiug a d ff«»«ut oolor npoa oolofIt#elL —MaHck**tor Unum,