Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 26 January 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do not hold onrselves responsible for the opinious or th; utterancee of our 1 ; cx>rrespondents.] Euitob Holomua: I uu(.lerstand tbat one J. H. Mnby former manager of the ; defanct excresence on Kilauea, tbat onee sailed under tbe alias of an Hotel, bas put iu an application in tbe £nglisb language as “sbe is writ” for tbe position of raanager of tbe now splendid bostelry known as tbe Volcano i House. We iraagine tbat Maby : expects to succeed the present extreraely popular raanager and run tbe Hotel on lbe scieniijic plan.--Tbere is sucb a tbing as counting your cbickeus before tbe eggs are larged, aud we ! imag.no tbut tbis brilliant ! Captain of Hilo poliee, wbo travels on bis sb-tpe aud bis : : “Londou raetn*politm wbist!a” bas done so in tbis instunce. Any person, be tbey black, 1 wbite, or scientific crsnks who ■ have ever travelled to tbe ' Volcano kuows mine host Lee so well that to irapute cbarges > such «s tbese self named scien- > t;sts. called Friedlander, have : irapoted to tbis popol.tr boniface ■ know ihein to be absolutely > I nntrue. In ten years of experif enee Mr. Lee bas met all sorts • «ud conditions of men and gentU~ r 1 men, but it was reserved for tbe • ' end of last December for Lim to s meet sach object* in tbe gaise of > ; man as these two sprigs of lsrael1 itish Fatberland. The letter in - tbe Aitirrfiser ol the 9th inst.. is - a malieioua falsehood evolved ) froni the brains «>f men who were -1 n«>t cler!nlv enougb to esca;« iiie . |erit!...>ui of thd otber g , r when ttiov ca?ue ia eioae contaet \ {. w*lh the*o. OhinUee&i is aext ■ to U- dio.es» aud tbese men bave i j ueither. . 1 Who Kiiowa.