Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 76, 2 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

TffĒ Anheuser-I3nsch Brewinsr Co. Win* the a t the ? S 3Pail* with thcir .3ihVGrL ih J3rand 13eer. St. Lons. Oct. 2S. 1S93. Me.ssp..s. Macpaeline & Co., L'd, Honolnlu, H. I. Dtar Sirs: —M’e Lave m;ultd you a cop_v of tbe Globe-De <0. rai aunouneiū" the great victo*-y woa by the A>'HEUSEB~Bush Associatios with their * EAOLL JBmud of Beer. [SigneJ] AKHEUSER-BCSH BEWLS6 ASSOCIATIOX. k $ 5. s <v * a % ā * <~D ē 96 2 * * 0 9! & U( In ordering this Beer besnre toask forthe “EAOLE ’ BranJ. ALacfarlane & Co., M.ir. 14- 2mJ. Affents for Havaiinn Mands. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE ” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Kade at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. white foot and sui;ill str;pe in L;e. I \ IKO Weigat, 1,050 ponnds; is vcrr stylish, gentle, a good prodncer and ;i g.ime mee horse, \\ ill stnnil for a limited nnmber of mares at FIFTV (!fō0) DOLLAhS FOE THE SEAS0N, payable at time of senrice. This horse »as bred ia 1892 to forty-six mares uud prodnced forty-two eo ts. ffcb I”-im 13 n 13AV1S. 0RT)WAY & F0RTER, Robinson Blocl\ Hotd .57., helween F>rt and Nuuanu, Have Jv.st Tfce \< J. jcr I vie Au Aah, ll e i npol Sttcl cf FUB MTUBE Ever lmpoited to tl is Conntry, Coraprising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets ln Soli(l O ak. and o/ihe LA TESTDES/GXS. ESPECIAL ATTENTI0N 1S CALLED TOTHESE SETS WIOK.EH. WARE, Beaut ful DfS gns « f Wicker M are, consistmg of S0FAS, CHA1KS. B0CKERS etc..you ean get these in any FIM?H voj Jesire. CHAIRS, Conntless numbers of CHAIRS. iu eveiy style, includjng OFFICE and HtGH CHAIRS. TABLE3, We have haJ a uumber of cails for theso T..bles, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stock the raost BEAUTIFUL D1N1NG ROOM FURNITURE EV£R SEES HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers 5?DIVANS.^i Divans covered with PORTIERS are becoming qoite the rage in plaee of LOUNGES -we mannfacture them to order, and bave a laige stock of PORTIEBS to sehct from. 3SDDIITGGreat Assortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES Spring.Hair. Moss. Wool anJ Straw Mattrcsses ou band and ra«de to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS «rd S1LK FLOSS for Pil!ows. CRIBS. CRADLES etc. WIND0W SHADES of all colors and siz 8. C0RNICE POLES, in wood or br>ss tri>nmings. 23 E P’.A. X 23 X 2T <3-. ■ MLattresses, Loonges and all 1 pholstered Furnitore repaired at r?asonable ntes. CABFSET MAKING. in all its branches, by Cmnpoaent Workmen. MATTING LA1D »nd Int rior Decorjiting uader the Sapervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Oor Goods are F rst Cl-\8s. and onr prices are the lowest. Come * and be e uwinemi—a lrial is s lic ted. Beil ō2o. . TBLEVHOXEs: .•/. . ,.Mj»tual;64ō. * OBDWaY a f ORT£E, ] L>bumuu Block,bet«een Fort aud Nouanu