Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDEMCE [ARTICLE]


(\Yedo uwt hoM oor»lr~» ' t : tbe opiu.oa» or llie aiieaac*s o: corre«poa.ieuu.} EdITOK HOLOJtCA: A race {or a a sbort time «go, look plaeo betweea an lishg aiul au Amenean sa Ior.th« former belong lo H- M. t 1 lfupion, and tbo !atter to t.is; l S S. Philadelpbia. Tae challenge i sras frotu the last-uatue<l whieh vras readily accepte l bv ■ the Brilish seainan.The resn!t w is , that the ch.Uleng« r was victorions aml tha BritisSiar acknowledged Ui|» deb.it. bat ou th pioa ..f an aee.ilwal. U»*uleU auw*>ujf ch*i-

lenge proffered, and aeeepted. Tb? br gg ng part ol thebnsiness, now s.io»s i*s.-f j 3 trcc Iight. The Britis!ier acxions to eowplv witb tne Amorican sai!or’s ehalienee, petsoualiy notifys to tb tt respect. bnt alas the Yankee’s valour. his »entinient-. etc.. have tnrned oat, notbingbat mere bravado erapty brag. Apparectly, be is unwilling to test tbe matter furtber, i- t only is fce unwillinp. but in every serse of the wonl be is nfraid. If not, wby not p>er--f rm bis p.art of tbe eontract as a man sbonld do. When he returmd to his ship victorions, be was met with great ent!iusiasm and proad!y was be carried for'rard by bis a lmiring sLipmates, and great was tbe rejoieing there. of. Surely, it new becomes tb;s mneh bonored bero to prove to L*s aumeroos friends that be bas irned their praise and won liis Iaurels fairly. Evidently, be must for bouor’s sake contest onee more, or acknowledge, be wou bis last race by a tln£e. at t!:e same time acknowledging tbe Brit;sb sai!or to be the best man. SOLDIER. Er*iron Holomua: According to late adv;ces, Unc?e Sam bas made np bis mind to take j>ossession of Pear! Harbor, uotwitlistand:iig tbe swashbuckling arrōganc0 of President Dole, in k;cking against the piieka. Tiiere is sometbing e!se brewing beliind lhis busiuess, whieh we fcel pretty sure, wiil briug no grist to the mill of Stevens, Dole and company. Wheu Uuele Stm goes s t . far t«> ti e posses-i n of Pearl H trbor, bcsides sending a trualy deniocrat in tho person of Admiral Walkei’ to take cl;arge in Hawa i-in wat< rs- Iie will go I furthcr; aml see tbat Hawai bas i a government ī>j ihe people nf ihe ' j-:ople un'' for thc Loyal j stock is above par' By hook or by en. k, Presidcnt Cleveland is bound to enchre the fi!ibn-tei ing gang of Steveus. M*e will now rcqnest the Ad \ vei‘ti*er man to get liimself in shaj)e and reudy to firo that one lmndred guns ia bonor of Prosi- | dent Clerel;iiid, lLat be proposed for poor ol«l Pr f. Alexander, and while be is about it, bo should buy a squirt-guu arid squirt in the clirection uf th.it m.mntebank O. P. Emerson. J USTICE AT LAsT, ■■ ■ " rv-ju i-uj 'i " "■