Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Anheuser-I3usch Brewin" Co. Wim the 3?rize attho ‘\Voi*lcl , S 3?air with their 33xVCxL L Brand Beer. St. Lori«, Oct. 28, 1803. Messbs. Macfarlaxe & Co., L’d, Honoluln. H. I. Dear Sirs: —We bave niaile*! yoa a copy of the Globe-Democrat announeiu" the great victorv won bv the Ā\HEU3EK-Bcsh AssOtTATlOX with their “£AGLE ’ I3raud of lieer. [Signed] AĀ'HEUSER-BUSH BEWIXG ASSOCIATIOX. I & & <? 3 5. TRAD£ X' i * £ i» (S 9E 3 m * £ $ * Rt5HN& lu ordering this Beer besi'"e toask forthe “EAGLE ’ Braud. Mar. II—2iiul. A.tacfarlane <Sb Co., A'jents jor Hnuaiinn Islands. AT THE CLTJB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:16. Made at Stockton, Cai. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire. Prompter, 2,305, hy P.Pe Bnl!. 75; D.i;n, Graee, hy Bncenneer. 2.656. Prompter is also Ihe Sire of Apei, 2;2ti; Transit, 2:261; 5Valkcr. 2;i!'.; Wales, 2:271; Chieo, 2:24: aml of fbe Dnms Pnllianlme, 2:17 and Vigor, 2:28. “Creole” is iet hlaek, oue hind white foot and small stripe in fece. Weight, 1,050 ponuds; is very stylish, gentle, a good prodncer nnd a game race korse, Will stand for a Iimited nnmber of dlares at FIFTV (J50) DOLLAhS FOB THE ShlASOX, pnyab'e at time of service. This horse »as bred in 1892 to forty-sii mares aad produced forty-two coits. feb i 7 -im 13 T-ī DAV1S. OSBWAT & P0KTER, Robinson BIock. Hofd St.. heiween Fort an<ī Nuuanu, Have Just Bcct 'nel. j«r 1 »le AniTe’s. <1 e ] *jf» Ffc ek of FCR KlllEE Ever 1idj ortcd to t' is Couutry, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Soli<l OnU, and of the LA TESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENTI0S IS CALLED TO THES£ SETS: WICKBR WAH.E, Beant fnl Dcs gus of W iek- r"W are, consist ng of SOFAS, CHA1RS, KOCKERS, etc.,vou ean get these in »ny FINISH von desire. CHAIRS, Couutless numbers of CHAIRS. in everv stvle, inciuding OFFICE and HIGH CHĀIRS. EXTEITSIOIT T-A53ILE:S, We bave had a uumber of calls for these T »b!es. uith CHAIRS t-> matoh. We have now in stock the rnost BEAUTIFUL DINING RQ0M FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffonisrs DIVA 3\T S Divans covere».l with PORTIERS are becoming quite the r »go in plaee of LOUNGES-we mannfaotnre titem to onler, and have a laige stock of PORTIERS to sel. ct froiu. BEIDDI2ST O- .--••• • Great Assortment EN IRE MATTRESSES Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and raade to order. UVE GEESE FEATHERS «nd SILK FLOSS for Pd ows. CRIBS. CRADLES etc. "WINDOW SHADES of all colors and siz s. C0RNICE POLES. in wood or bnss triramiogs. 112117 <3-. Mattresses, Loanges and all Upholstered Furuitore repaired at reasonable n tes. CABI3SET MAKINO, iaali its branches, by Workmen. MATTING LAfD and Int rior Decoriticg nnder the Sapervisioa of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Oor Goods sre F rst Clvsw. and onr »»nces are tic lowest Corae and be e 'uvinced —a tri »1 is »bc ted. Be‘l 525. telkphosks» 'l .1 «i 545 ORDWAY A PORTER. B*»binsoa Uioei:. Wwē»»u i\nt h.uI ,vuuhBu