Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 April 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


• ■ — Weatber pleasant: wind strong “trades.” H.e Gorerunient scboo!s haJ a haif bol.d v extra todar. Mr. Dole passes the 50th an-nirers3n-of his birth today. Band i'p. g. band) played at his re»idence and niany friends called there during the forenoon. > Tbe Portcgne.se held their [ olitical mecticg at the drill-shed yesttrday afternoon. The app!ause w s frcquent. the remarks were not understood onlv bv ei > - - > contract Iaborers. > Under poliee p>ermission and protection the Portuguese band beaded a torchlight procession tbrongh some of the principal str*“ets last eveuing. Central Uniou worshippeis throngo the steps cf their edifice to tho procession pass, but it \vent the other way. 5 "Advanced civilization.’’ Hereafter jnrors and witnesses have opportunity to protest ig .iust the validityof theiroaths • ;s thev are caught in fcmbracery or perjury. ViJe Dr. McGrew • and W. G. Smith vs. p. g. oath. The Kamehameha base-ball clnb is, ns usual, tlie kicking eluh ( in tiie Lcagne. Under instmctions they refuse to play a scbedi ule < f twcntv-one g unes. eighteen is tli«?ir limit. The otlier clubs slcukl let them play *‘by tbeir 1 lonely.” The prospecls.‘ at preseut, are not good for a season 1 of base-ball. Miss Nannary will be given lier initial opportunity on Wednesday evening in “Forget-me-not” and a l irge lady aui dience will be in attendance. i ' Dailey’s eompin}’ has scored the biggest success ever kuown in this citv. J “Kiek” Barowitsk, or Bnrsley | as lie is known ou the Coist, a noted “kuocker oat,” arrived by tho Australia. J ust cast vour eyes over the advertisement of the Hawaiian Hardwūre Company; read aud ponder. I The excellent furnitare used in : tbe plavs now being prodnced at | . the Opera House is from the wellknown est.)blisbment of Ordway and Porter. The S. C. Alleu »rrived in port ; • iliie roorning from San Francisco in llie clij pcr time of 10 davs. [ ; Thc j>. g. band c<'ncert ; zes this ’ evening at Emma Square. Nonew pieces. I j “Hamlet” is called for frora 1 the Dai!ey Company with a goar- ’ autee of a s;de of oue hundred • se tts at ōO tach. ; j There are several independent candidates posted for a run in the coming, il’.eg«I, e!ection race. Mr Thnrston is bllled to aj>j\ear in the events conuected with tiie coming constitutionaI performanee. T!ie 'Ti& r st .tes that or.e i ‘Severance.” <7/ t.ike the position of Secretary Board of Educatiou. Begistration ended; 1,507 rcgistered; a j>robab!e cxj\ense to the tax-j\avers of 30 ceuts per name. A two eoiapanw battalion drill, 9 is expected to take plaee tonight at Palaee square. if it does not rain. The Educational qualification for voters seeros to bave been 1 placed one slde, for use in the future. * There is a strong attempt to ; create a boom io Pearl river property Property near a n«vy-yard is goo«l for niaunfacturing porposes. 1 . ! Acoording to dame romor, the ong.»gement of ouo of Honoluiu’s promineut young society men, will sbortly be auumaced, tbe fair captor being of. Oo4Hara’s Im -* mul pretxiest aloek, Good ’ lowk NmL

Tb« bor plan for Wedne«di»y n;ghts p>erformance is now on Tiew at ilr. L. J. Lerey's. lt is stated tbat Jazces MeLean tiie gentlemanly secretarv of toe Inter-Island S. S. of thrs citv, and his wife are both ill, w,th njeasles, ia San Fraccisco. The orchestra, at the Opera House perfonnances, is Tery entertaining. £scellent music is being presented. The '*pot'’ produced by the combined effbrts of the “paneh" and other booths at the Feast o£ N.»tiuns was divided at the T. M. C. A. rooms this morning. Portngnese are now being imported here, as contract laborers from San Francisco. Fifty armed by tbe Anstralia. It is not known if tbey registered. ;