Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — The "Miowera." [ARTICLE]

The "Miowera."

This steatuer, after ba:n" in »lock at Sau Fnacisco, haa left f«>r EagUnd. wliere siie is to be Iengt!teued. It isreporte«l tbat a comproraise has beoa effected the iosnraace compvny I aml tbe owuers in vie\r of the itlter.»tions to be ra>ule ia the ves- i sel ut home. Tbe extent of tbe d;tiuag ? to be maile g>oJ t on aecouut uf the Mioīoenia gattiug ou the reef iu Houolalu karbor. ; 1 *s OuUuiaUKl at X2O,00tX 1