Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — Bon Voyage. [ARTICLE]

Bon Voyage.

Tcraorrow. promp;Iy, as usnal. at uoon. lbe fjvor.te s;eaiusr Aos trali, Capt.iia Houdletto. will !eave port hsre oa Ler two tbousand odd miles trip to the Golden Gate. The passenger list is large. as nsn.il, and the companv whieh will be gathered kgether for the neit week. in the?r oeean home, has withiu it all the elemeats whieh should tead t > mik ? the voy*ga most ple:is-viit and Haree.ible, birricg wind, weather and sei. FoUowir.g is the l:st as booLed to t<>day: Mesdajces. —D Noonan, E D Tenney cbild and nurse. H F Wiohmau ani ehill, L B Kerr au<1 ehihl, GEMrtiwelI.DTaylor. J Gilfillan. J M Horner and 2 children, R Newman ani eiiiUl. T B L <ne. S S Weloh, C Kellogg. 1 Shaw, T R Fi>ster, Ivers. At k:nson, Cropp Misses—Wclch(3). Ad i Jones. Lizz e Sraa‘fz, Ci.ira Giade, Haz ztrd, M A!exander. Mr axd Mks — C B-»Ite, C H Hazztrd, II Lenberg. Kmmons Cr- cker. Fusign Parmenter. J. G AmKrson, J E Sm iltz. W M Fislier TDSirapson. G H fiivlor. L W Blinu. Messbs. — Rear Admird lrwin, Lieut Ad ims. Hon Paul Isenberg. W C Wilder Jr, Cbarles Filk. Ri>he r t WalLiee, F H Di)land, P L Wooster. F E DiU, U A Giles. Allen f lerbert, V. G. P«>tter. Monsienr Vi::zivou.i, Henry C Lyon, E R Newman. J King. C W PhiIpot, W illiam Dnnbar. R T Conlter. C R D.vis, T W’ Sprague. W D Nicho!as. W A W’ebster. J P Be|l. C O Berger. W B Clarke. J L Thompson, M. FIogne, Hon Panl Nnemanu, P. Knaho.