Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 99, 28 April 1894 Edition 02 — Who They Will Be. [ARTICLE]

Who They Will Be.

. Tbose who hnve registered nnd i • intend to vote fer the deieg-»t-*s tor tbe const!tutional convention sboold remember of whnm the convention will consist, and tbe • classes and interests represented i by tbe ro«jority, *nd they should | therefore do their best to get j some men not control!etl by | money»al iuterests or Church i patronnge into the assembly. Of the present members. the following are interested in plant atioos: S B. Dole. S. M. D imon. W. O. Smith, C. Bolte, E. Snhr. E. D. Tenny. F. M. Hatch, J P. Meudonca. A. Young nnd W. F Allen. 0f tlie nominated dele gates the fo!lowing are intere>ted in p!antations: Horner, Lvm«n, W. H. Horner, H. P. Baidwin, j G. N. Wilcox. A S. WiIcox. W. • H. Rice, A. G. M. Bobert > ion and C. L. Carter. 0f the last mentioned, it is safe to predict. that the candidates for the other islands will »11 be elected, and that only in Honolnlu, there c«n be some doubt The sug.ir men i under all circnmstances will eontrol tbe couvention, becanse olosely nssoc>ated with Uieu» nre men like Wi!der, Ena. W«ter house and King. The natives frora Hawaii and Mani, nre simply tools of the planters on these i isl.tnds. It is only from here that ! few delegates ean be sent to the I convention, who will stand i • firmly for the interests of tlie ! workmg classes • nd we repent that it will be good policy by the { men who don’t want to be swamp;ed by the capitalists, without some opposition, to vote for a j mau liko Klemme who is ns i freeof fearas he is of sug.ar stock. j ■ -