Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

— Tbe Advertiser wha catcbes. a person5 eye usial!y vrics a cnstotuer. Minv different stv’es of advertising bave beea adopted eud witb mon? or less sncce><«, by tbe believers ia tbe use of printers ink. Tbe iumuf.icturer> of Pears Soap,for iustance. occ i> >n a!ly bny p:iintings tbat have been on exhibitiun in the P !ri’s Salon and have le from them for the pnrpose of bricging tbeir prod ;ct bef >re | tbe people. In addition to sach j s:de issues, Pearspends hnmlmltbonsinds of dol!ars annualh among tbe na\vspapers and mag- ’ , az : nes. Some years ag i tbe Agents | of certain article on sa!e in New York m »de a bit in advertising by baving on Broadwuv during bns , iness hours t\vo fatluessly dressed ' Negroeswearingvery highcoliars, on the bicks of whieh \v.»s priute»l “Use Suiths Pil!s.” Tbe iuei \vas novel and tbe public caught on. Eising Snn Stove Polish bas beeu kept before the 1 | public f >r years tlirougb persis-! tent, and sometiiucs expensive|' advertising. Tweuty odd years ago tbe manufacturers of tliis polisb started ba!f a dozen men across tbe orni:ne;it to p iiut sigu> ou rocūs aiul feaces. Tbe Aermotor Co., of Cbicag) bave increased its sales tuore tbau five buudred per cent in t\vo years by tbe use of printers iuk. We beheve we bave beon instrumental in increasing tbe siles of tbe Aeraotor by keepingeverlastingjv at it iu Hawaii.

i Wo do not wish to say that atlvertising will sell auy manafactureJ article; there is no use spending money in advertising •‘eheap and nasty” good.s bocanse the people will not be hoodwinked. If Haviland C hina was not the saporior article it is. all onr ndvertising of it woulJ noi have so!d the thonsamlsof pieces that we have. We simply eall the attentiou of the people to it and its snperior qnality is apparent to the customer directly a pieee of it is ex »mined. Printers ink hashelped the sale of the James Locked Fence but it wouU not have dones so if it hael heen as flinisy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy there is iu bailding it recommead.' it to the plantation manager and then its durability clincbes the the sale If the stays and washers cost as mueh as an ordinar\ retlwood post our s»Ies of the material wouU not have reached snch enormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is ubout two a day the year round. If was uot the best iron stove on tho market we aouU not sell that many m six months. Advertising is the tip ti the pnbl:c the good points iu thearticle seils it just as the good quaiities of tho Fischer Steoi Range make it a desirable article for people who wish toeconomise in the nse of fuel. We b uy on!y what has proven good after people in tbe United States or E irope have given it a trial; we profit bv their experince if the articles are goood we buy and sell them; if they are poor we steer c!eur of them. When we advertise an article it is to attract attentiun to it; the newspaper is the button we posh, tbe salesman does tbe‘ rest. Persistent advertising conpled with the articlo beiog a superior one bas sold tboasands of the Fran< Walcot Emory F»le. If it had beea no better than an ordin.»ry scythe stoqe we probabl\ wonld not have sold twentv. Whea a man finds ont tbat his tabie knives may be keptshirp at all times at uu expansa of fifty cents and a very little elbow grtv»se be is qnite willing to try the eipenmenh Tlis flai m Hariware Ca 30? Fort