Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — Change of Management. [ARTICLE]

Change of Management.

Mr. AbrdhHm Fernandez. one of onr best known fellow uitizens; wlm hnH latelv devotetl hi> time in the services of the Hoi.OMI'a for the general benefit of tbe Unwaiian canse, has resigned his office. The gentle:nan now retiring from th:s paj»er has a high recor<l as a buainess man in this coramnuitv- He has carried the] IIolomua throngh a most event ful and stormy j>eriod and he has done so successfully. The loynl i»arty who stand firmly together in favor of constitutional government appreciute the services ofMi I'ernandez and wish him all possible snccess in his new - sph«*re of life and a hearty God speed. Mr. Gooige Smitliies,l forra*-rly Regislrar of Pnhlie Acconnts has assnraed the management of the Holoml'a and will. we trust, in the future meet the | same supjejrt and good-will as has his jiredecessor. The Holomca is always to the front.