Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 107, 8 May 1894 Edition 02 — The Justice of Judd. [ARTICLE]

The Justice of Judd.

— . . > c :: r' Teri'1ers rrere aaked 'pabliclv i frrini the ne*?piper officee *Dil |trinting est «ble>hrn**nts of tbU city f>r est rait-s f>r the print- | ing n{ ihe Report of the Chīef J'istice. In »n*wer thereto j tenJers {>r the w.rk orere otier»*J in proi»er f->riR bv the B»U*tin; HoL<>3irA. Press Pub- ; 1 lishing C<> an<l R. Grieve. To- ■ 1 >v th>» t*»n.lers w*r*> nml >.-• . - i tlist tue ..’i. •> w follows: I Ba!Ietin 25 Pr«--s Pub Co. ... 2 24 G.»zette Co. . . . 1.*. 2 R. G i !eve . . 180 oloxi a 1.25 - Now. Toessienrs the t x-p,iyers, n >te tiie aw nl, as erninatiri2 ; fro u the gention>in \vbo has the ilielmn. »nd who is alrendy i mdebted to the H"L(>mi’a to the |exteutnf. t»XE answer. r.i t vet rec'-ived. He. i.. his su{>reiKacy i<Ms anot!ier jewel t<> ijis coasist- ; eucy of njsistice aud orders that the second !owest. not tbe loire*t jbidder. be given the work, the ! H. L( MfA otf>*r l>eing e st «side 1 and tnat of Mr. 1> Grieve bemc : acce}>tetl. M e Jiave nn c>ntroversv witli the f>vi>red l»i>ld>-r. bot we do consider that the Cliief Jnstice :u his olhei.l capacity is now imlebted to the HoLOMl’A aud the puhlie to the extent of two. not one, ex{>lanatioQs.