Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Saloon, JAME* OLD5, PfcorErrro&. Fine Liqooi% Eeei 1 , ALWAY6 C!f HAM>. Contm Nanino *x.d Hotei Streets Pel]jTelepJ oae 241. Po«t OSoe Box 107 Established 1863 Plonecr Stcam Candy FACTOilY BACKER! ail ICE CREAIPARL0RS F. HORN, Proprietor. Weddlng and Birthday Cakes to Order. Fancy Bread and Guava Jellxj. Fact rv au'i Sl‘>re, — No. (1 King Sireel. Both Telephones 74 ap28 BRUC£ & A. J. CARTWRICHT of t Fidud»rv Xature Transacted. Prompt »ttention pvcn to the mannpemenl of £etatea, G iardianships, Tru»t8. etc., etc., etc. : Cai.v.Tif)ht Building, M rchaut Street. Honolulu. H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Street, - Honolulu Farailies, Plautations aud Ships supplied with cho'cest Euwpean &American Groceries Calif(>rnia Produce by Ever>Stenmer. ,Sans SūTici HDTEL. WAIKIKI, UONOLULO. Pr z^ Firsi-Class Aeeommooations for foirists and island Guests SUPERI0R BATHIHG FACrUTl£S. Pr \ate Cottages for Faxri/ieS. T. A. SIMPSON. Manager. CHEAP FURNITURE ! YIBG EAĪ & Co. Cor ier of King and Bethel St&., Honoiulu, OtTer a large assortment of fine and desirable FURMTURE, they sell at a very low figure. l>edsteads, Bureans, Me*t Safes, y Jī ardrobes, etc., at prices to suit -jrerybody.Call and inspect for vourselves. maxI2 VING FAT & CO.