Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 May 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We Jo not hold onrselve» responsible for tbe opiniona or tbe utteranees of ojt corresponients.] Editor Holomua: There is a company here of capable, moneyed mechanics, who will begiu immediately to eoustruct the trolly road to the Pali, providing Mr. Waterhouse will guarautee them 5 per cent. on tlieir investment, aud they will not require him to aāmnee any money wbatever. Now, if Mr. Waterhouse is in earuest and thiuks the road will pay, he ean thus have an opportunity to back his opinion cbeaply. J. P. Editor Holomua: It is extreraely pleasant for a “Boya!ist” toreadthe explanation of the astute Miuister of Finance concerning th.it expeuditure of the tax-payers’ money for ‘Camp Boston.’ 8o the sailors were the • guests of the p. g. wore they? How does that jibe with Stevens’ statement that they were lauded merely to “ protect American ; iuterests? ’ Not at all Mr. Editor, but it verifies tbe ioyalist elaim that the} were landed at the request of the conspirators to protect Ihem and mainiain their detestable semi-so-called - religious olig irchy in power. If they were the “guests’’ of the p. g. they mnst bave been bidden and weleome guests or else tbis immaealuio government, composed of the only “deceat" men in the comrauuity, would not | sqaander 51300 to pnt the guest chamber in good sanitarv condi- j ! tion, —especial!y as, it is sai<l,; that cbamber belonged to the Minister himself. Another thing where in the history of the known ; worid have foreign troops Ianded i to protect the iuterests o( their I country men against interference t by tbe people of the country been i fed. clothed aa 1 careil for by t le - inbabitants. WUl Mr. Damon 1 k:ndly eiplain further' » Rotaust. r