Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Coren Rebellion Suppressed. [ARTICLE]

Coren Rebellion Suppressed.

-- ■ I The Corean leg»tion at Wash-1 ington, D. C., received a cab!egra*n tbe other morning direct _ {10*0 the royaI palaee at Seonl ; duted \'esterday, annouacing the coaplete suppression of the rebellion and showing the f.xlsity j of reports from China lhat the S kirg had fled to Jupan and that the rebels had occnpied Seonl. The cab!egr.im rendered into Erglish is as follows:— Rebels snppresse.l soon after amval of AdmiralSkerret and | his United States steamship, who protected both sides. A!l people in my country are now peaceful anl happy. Thank all United States peopie. Officials of the legation at onee . I ccmmnnicated to the state departmjnt ihe news of the sappression 1 of the rebellicu and the king's ' gratitude for the timely arrival oi the Baltimore, whieh not only saved the lives of foreigners, bnt. ! iniirectly. assisted the governmint by the moral etfect of the sbip’s presenoe at a critical junc-tu-e. Acting Secretary Uhl was ; c#nsiderably relieved to leam ! tlat the Araericans, including j Xinister Sill, were no longer in any danger, as the alarraing dis- i pitches of the eomplele success j oi the rebels, purporting to eome j from 5haugbai, cuused mueh un- 1 eisiness. Mr. Uhl said tho de- | pirtment had received no dis- [ patch from Mr. Sill of later date j than May 17 anel tliis was receival Weduesday. It wus not at all ieassuring. It showed thut the ninister had requested Admiral Skerret to show a war ship in Corean \vaters, and had warned the missionaries ont of the interior. Tbe state department is satisfied from the stateraents of the Corean representutives last week that the insurrectiou is entirely ended, A cable dispatch from Shang hai to the New York Herald last week said: “Seoul, the cajiital of Corea has beeu capfcured by the rebols. The king is a refugee and foreign troops have been landed to protect life and property.” • A few honrs after the midnight 01 j«bturJ.,v <vo interestirtg and lively hare and bonnds, race was started impromptn by several representatives of the “pastepot and shears’ nnd the “art preservative.” The course was beneath the shadows of the proposed presidefltial mansion on Emma street, and although the distance was short yet the torturous turning were raany, and induced eonsiderable interest and exertion on I the part of the hounds. Poor | Puss wus however run to earth, just us assured safety was immineut, in the confines of Emma Square.