Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Boom in Bonds. [ARTICLE]

Boom in Bonds.

The governraent organ is in ecsUcy tbis raoruing becanse a statement has been mnde to the , Conncils that $10,000 worth of, governraeut bonds have been sold at p«r since tbe proclaraation of Mr. Dole’s Repnblic. It is a pit} that the name of tbe purcbaser is not mentioned lt bas bappened that government bonds bave be?n purchased by merabers of the goveruraent witb trust monev and tbere is of conrse no rc«son why an adrainistrator or gnardian shonldn t pay par the money doesn’t go ont of his own pockot. The A>lvtrtisei states that bonds heretofore have beeu gold at 98 but tb t sbortly they will sell at a premiura. The fact is that p. g bonds were qnoted at 84 and 85 and ihat today no bonan>le purchaser ean be found. If the prospects really are that bonds will soou be wortb raore thanpar why don’t jMessrs J. T. 1\ uterhouse, C. M. Cooke, W. O. Smith, Jobn Ena, J .Morg mandtheotber patriotic raillionuires rush to the treasnry and invest some of their supertluous cash. Accordmg to ; the Advertiaer wonld be an e\- l cellent financial specul«tion for ( the purchasers and in view of the bad roads, tho poqr water supply and the general stoppago of publie works it wonld relieve tbe treasurv and enable Minister King to do wonders. Dig, gentlemeu, dig!