Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CITY DRAYAGE C0, Stand: Queen *nd Fort 3treets. \Vhite aod Black S»nd. Dr*TĪng Done at Reaaonable Rates. W F ?HjRRETT. MAMAoaa. lJ* MACHINE M.\DE POI! FACTORY, : ; KALIHI. Tan-> Plantj>, Fresh Tops and Raw Taro at all times. * Ring Up Malual Telephone 577. Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Manager. RlMi I P Mni AL TXLE. SU NIEPER’S Baggage Expres«, 239 Fort St,. Honolnlu, H. I. Baggsge and Furnitare Carefully Handled and Delivered at Short Notice to All Parts of the C;ty. Stand on Cor. of Fort Queen Sta. ' gMT POSTPONED. Auelion Sale of Kioe Plnntatation nt AA'ailiiki-kai. In per»aancr ol instructions from HO 3LN of Ewn, Istand of Oahn, M. L, thc mortr*gec nomod in a Cbattle Mortjf»jfc, esecnted b» CHEOXG KIM TAL dated Octobcr 0»th. l*tse. md rvcordc.i in Liber 139, p«ces 257-8, 1 »b.dl »ell to tbe fobi'st biddvu »i au< tlon. »t m» 3aica Ro»'m7notiolnln. onSATLRDAT the 4th d*v of Aog.. 12 o’eloek uoon. thc folIowins pmperty, vU: The Rlce PUnt»tiori, known »* the eheon* Kim T*i, (formcrl> the Yee Hop Co), PUm.-i-Uon. al Waikiki k»i, Honolalu, ineiuUine »11 lc»se» of Unds cmbnccd thcrein, on whieh »rc dweliine honsc. outhoo»os, ttm'»binx floor aud c«juipnicnU of » well conductevl rice pl»ntation; al.'O »11 the implemenl» of euUL vation. hor»ce. w»gon, etc, A schedute of the 1««»» and otber pronert» conccrned ma» be wen »t the offlce of 0 " • AsHronn. Attornev for thc Mortg»i(ee. Term» of Sale, C»-b, Dced» »t expen»e ol pnrcha*cr. L. .1. Levey, AucHcmeer. The abo»c sale U postpone»l to Au£n«t 4th. bv order ol C. IV. ASflFOKD, Attorncy for Mortjī«xee. T. B. Murray Ih Yet to be Fonnil On the OId Mtaad, Yo. 44 Hing Nt.—Ilia Bn«*inea« a« CARRIAGE AXD fTIT| AUU.> (»oes On. When the “PEOPLES’ PARTY” gets smashed he will be ready to REP1IR, PilNī AND TR1M IT At a Keasonable Figuro.— No £xtra Charge for Furnishing them with Common Sen.se. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. iy219m City - Carriage M’p’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEflT, Blacksmith Work . AXD Carriage Repairing PAINTING ; AND : TRIMMING In all its Branches, at Bed Rock Pricea. Mutual Te!ephoae 382 Givt' ua a Cail and judge for yoaraelf. jy23 CRITERION SAL00N, Weiland.Extra.Rak Laōer Beer 2 Schooners for 25 Cta. jyl4 L. H. DE£, Prop’r