Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — THE TRUE SITUATION. [ARTICLE]


The A>.h'ertiser tries to makeeapital out a letter whieh apj>eared in Mr. Bnsh’s pnper nnd whieh. it was statod, emanated from John Oummina. Accordiog to the Ka Leo, Mr. Cummins wrote that the rostoration of the monarchy by the United Statcs was assured, and the Advertiser has the eheek to insinuate thattbu Holomoa had joined the credulous followers of Bush iu the prepost-*rous idea. If tbe Advertiser woulil take the trouble to read the Uolouua it eoukl not be in doubt that we consider the expedition of Widemann, Parker Co., as a failure and that tbe ouly resalt to bo derived frora their journey will probably be a direct answer that the U. S. government cannot overturn things here by force. Wo admit that something is to be gained by arriviug at an unconditional answer at that time but we certaiuly do not hold out any hopes to the Busb faction as far as "restoration by Cleveland” is eoneemei. In yesterday’s issue wo gave our reasons why the United States governroent cannot re«ognize the preseut regime in Hawaii. The uon recognition will in our miud. enforce the Dole administra iioa to ablite because tbis country cannot go on withont treaties and favorable consideration from our gre.it and good neigbbour. Ofcourse Mr. Dole migbt do the pirate-act aud bangon to his pre sent j>ower at all hasards and by his mercenary soldiers. He might tax the people or cven ro)« them for the purpose of filling his troasury. Dot such tactics wonld not last toit long. Onr polioy has not been changed materially. I! we had seea some willingness on the pari of the gOTexnment to act decent1y towards a (air and loyal opposiiion we migbt have followed ont onr first piineiple and tried tbroogb poliiieal raeasures to oost the men in power. When we fonnd onr letters o! denization cancelled aod met a refusal to heeome a citizen and a voter in a conntiy in whieh we bave heeome domeetic&t«d and gained all tbe rightsof acitizen, then weaaw that siocerity and honesty was not io be found in the ianks of Dole and theu we called to the men

who Ihink as we do to treat tbis goveinmcnt as pirates and brigands even if the cooatry g >es to roin. Witb us tbey migbt bave , exLsted. ag.iinst os they are a hopetess failure. Tbey h*ve ehoseo the Ictter. Ripe Pears are again in tbe m»rket. Mr. Dole’s prosecotion aotwithstandiDg.