Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]


Yoa hare ali beea readiog this Oolamn for some time and expecting scm«tbiog todrop—veli bere goes for a little flyer as we say in Mercantile Par!aoce. We hare a coacter detoted to Wash Dress Goods Ihi» week, tbey are worth looking at. aud at tbe same time making a gaess on their Yalue. Remember yon need not bnr tbem unless you want to —but you ean eall and guess on their Valoe —and tbe Lady guessing the nearest to the retail ralue of these Goods ean baya her piek of a Dress Pattern for nothing, those that are not good guessers won t make a very bad mistake, if they buy the goods outright at ; our figures. So eome in and make your guess, the pools dose Saturday—the winner gets her Dress, Monday, Augost 13th. There is nothing the matter with Scotch Dimity when you ean get 6 yards for $1 or Toile jdn Nord for childreu’s School Dres*es or L«dies Dresses at 8 yards for ?1. Remember these goods improve everytime they are washed. r ... I Something new in American, £ng'ish and French Percale for Shirt Waists and Dresses—these Gootls are the fiuest ever shown here and make up lovely. 32 ineh wide Cotton Duck at 15 cents a yard is another thing | you oan make no mistake in—all ; Fast Colors— we have an elegaut ; iiue of Liuen Duck. Now don‘t forget to eome in and guess on those Wash Dress 1 Guods. We have somethmg for ; the Second Best Guessev but wo won’t mention it B. F. EHLERS.