Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — Like In Honolulu. [ARTICLE]

Like In Honolulu.

Cbicago, Jaly 30.—Tiie Graud Jury today filed a report sa\’ing: “We Snd that garubliug is being carried on to its fu!lest extent in Chicago with doora wido open; that cappers and stooi pigeons are plying their vocation to cutch the unwary for the purpose of fleecing any victim who happens to fall into their bands, and that the heads of the Poliee Department of this city are giving some of the places mentioned as such ample protection from arrest aud prosecution.” A list of places at whieh it is alleged gam bling is b9ingcarried on is being made. The jury gives as a reason for not returning indictraents ng«iust the proprietors of these places tbat tbe assistaut St«te’s Attorney iuformed them that it would be impossible to secure conviotīons. Tbe assistant State's Attoruey denies having made this statement. He says he mere!y told the jury that it was difficnlt to get testimony whieh would result iu convictious.