Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — A Love Token. [ARTICLE]

A Love Token.

P. Fern was acqaitted tbis morning in tlie District Court on a cbarge of larccny of h bed qnilt preferred Hgiinstbim by W. C. Acbi. AcbiiindPoepoe pr<'secated tbe c;»30 and Nueiuann appeared for the defense. Tbe case whs tbe out eome of an attack by tbe gre< n-eyed roonster ander whieh Acbi is snff ring. Mr. Poepoe surprise<l tbe court by clsiraing tiiat h bed q iilt Hnd two pillow cases were a token of love and not an ordinary present A touching appeal in tbe defense of Achi s ‘'bonor” bad no etfect and tbe defeudant got his discharge aud tbe U>ve ioken.'