Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Flre, I«ife d Marine INSURANCE. HARTFORD FJKE INSURANCE CO., Aseets, $ 7.109.825.49 LOXDOX-LAXCASHIRE FIRE INS CO., Assets. $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES*MERSEY MAKINE IXS. CO., Asdets, $ 6,124,057.00 XEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Asscts, $137,499.198.99 C. O. BERGER, Q«Deral Agent£urthe H#waii»n I«!anda. linaoloiu \\ t E, ĪMP0RTEBS AND DEALERS IN Grrocex*ies, Provisions A51) Feed, EAST CORNER F0RT & KING,STS. New Goods Rec’d By every Packet frono the Eastern States and Europe. Fresb California Prodnce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Gonda delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Gnaranteed. Post Box N<». 145, Telephone No. 92. THE HONOLULU 30ĀP H0USE. SelU tbe verr bett quallty of 80AP at $4.50 per M0 ponnds »nd 17 b*rt of 25 poond» b»nett weijtbt for »1.25. GERMAN BLUE CaSTILE SOAP. »»nnfact ; nred by Grans Bro»„ Mnnnheim, Genn»ny, *t 10 centt per ponnd. TOILET 80AP rvlail »t wholeanle prices. SOFT SOAP ln Un» of 42 ponnds. »126. STEARICWAX MININO CANDLES. «ttutattcmred by Uie Emrey C»ndle Work» of Cinclnati, Ohio, 12 Candlea fbr 25'cent*. . , IO . . KIAWE FIRE WOOD. »I0per cord. The »ame cnt in block» ofI3 inehe» long at anv qaantltv from »1 np. Delivered free of charge to *ny part of thecity. KIAWE CHARCOĀL »t 40 cent» a »»ck. Richroond. V».. CEDAR WOOD POI PAIL3 fim»hed with br»«» hoop». Sm*ll tize 50 eent»; l*rge »lze 75 centt Empty Vlnegar *nd Wine BARRELS a» w*ter me KITCHEN SALT in »»ck» of 100 ponnd». 50 ett TABLI SALT giTen »w»y. Highr»t c»»h price p»ld for HIDE3. 8KINS fcnd ĪAeLOW THREE (3) PACKAOE8, cont*inlng 30 BOXE3 of TOKIO PARLOR >IATCHES, only TEN CENT3. IST. BREHAM, Mutual Telephone 314. Bethel Slre*t •Bg0 P. O. B-x 480. Mutcal Telepho\e 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy New and Second Hand Fumiture IS ATT THE CORNEB OF King & Nuuanu 8t*. I X L Honolulu u. i.

THE COMMERCUL SRLOON. Harry Klehme, Manager Cv»r. Nooam» 4 Ben-tmia sts. Hoaoioia, H. I. The Onlv 6p-rt*Dg Hoeee in Towii. O. J?, S. a Specialitv. LOHENGBIN LAOEE |BEEB, Alweye on Dnogfai S OLASSSS FOB 25 0SNT8. Bē*t o/ Winss t Liquors, and Ci/arā, alwaysok HAND.

C tiOC 5C I>OOLv, Merchant Tailor« No. 48 Nuuanu St. t Honolulu. X lu imoiUkiiL of ineHeu, BncU*b Scotcb clotha oa hui work ud « Fīnl-cl«M flt pa«iiteed. «nd K*poired. Clothea Cleued Kwong Sinar Loy Merchant Tailor, Dry Goods, Men and Ladie*t Skoet. Ha.«Of £ yee chan, PEAI .l» vx l|es'| Fqs Fnni|hing $nd| FiM Tallortnf Pio« ehnMMe «nd J «paneae HiBdk«fcbir{i No». 81 Ip SS Nuuui dL Honolulu, P.O. Boa 8&1