Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NOTICE. All persona *re hereby noī:tie<l cautioneti that aoyono c»ught •hootiuS ga;meoiany <iescription or trt'spasaing oa any of ihe !ands be* !ongmg w the undersigae».l on this Isiand, will be promptly proaecuted. [8igned], ' J. I. DOWSETT. Hoeolulu, Aug. 25, lw d MASTEK S NOTlCE Xod« &» bei«bT siwa to ali Uat then> »rv at th« Ck>r«nim«at Poami *t U»kiki, oae biai«, aa i 4 esttivs, 1 ped bikv. whue oa ta-> f 'rebf*tl. bntnd inUiachbab!« ot» thc righ( luati log. furr fect an» *ho.l. I K.ick oor. big whtto -tpot «B thc 1«Ut, bnnd indiscr.babto ou !»>g. I pineo oo», br*mi n<it4enbAh]cti. 1 n«d covr. »hit« *pot ua ihe lwUy, aaJ bnuad«d £ on l«tt hiud leo 1 eal/, haring no. br»tulcti. Any pcraoQ or pemmii ovning th«*s« «niuuUa *re to <x>nte *u<l Uku U><* <umc on or bciorv 12 o'eioek nooo, 8ATITBDAT, S£FT. 15, 1S!M. jAMEa KUKONA. Pouud M*»Ur. Makiki, Scpt, 1, 1SM. scpt. 1-1». T. B. ■ Murray h Vel to lie ! ounil On thc Olei Nland, \o. II Kiujr Nt.~ lli<t lliiHine*» im CARRIAGE and MrTrDLT) Goew On. Whea tho “PEOPLES’ PARTY gets smashe<i he will be ready to REPAIR. PAINĪ ANū TR1M IT At ā RcasonabIe Fignro.— So £xtra Cbargo for Furnishing ihem with Oomiaou Sen.se. LET THBM RING UP MUTUAL TKLEPHON£ 572. yil Ota

loVeJoy &cck Wiqe Lipoi 1 ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Strwt We would C*I’ your atteution to Our S]>ecial 6rands Longlife <% Rure Cream RYE WHiSKEY. Fredericksburg Beer aa2 in caskaor bottiea ctii:sr kee. HORSĒSHOEIXG S!10P, - Maunakea * Pauahi Street. set aU ro*>nd S l ōō OW i«t »U rooad ~ X«xt Doo; to So. 5 Homo. •ngl MtTVAI. I«i_ m P. Ov Bo* ijS. WING WO TAI & CO., Xo. *5 Ncvajcc Sr»iCET, K3sou.u;, H. L, Fi > cj Commission Merchanis, U . ' —lHfO*TEk< L\ » DeaL>;&» i V 6enerai Mepehaniiiee. Flao Mikeiia Oi<v«, CWn..*3e ar.<i Jap«t>« ** i.>H*kwrv w »r- M;vttinc*. Va»e« a4 aii hū,.U, Cam;>t»orwoo4 Trunk., (X*irt. A Fia* .\«QrneDt oi Dr » S51k , Choie«at UmuUn OfCUD.;w aml Ja)Msese of Uu-m lnjporta.liois» G**i, t* *