Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

|LADIES' eOLUMK. t We are not *t ali sarpris«d at our iocrea4ed tr»de—it’s the I gocds an.l prices thst h*re nbrooght it all aboot We hare adopted tbe poiic v of qoick s.»les |an<l amall profits—it’s « hrst rato i policr for both tbe bover «ml seller. It noeme TRUĒ ECO- * NOMY—good tbings need not be 1 h)gh priced. Tbere is a cerUin hanl wall of f»cts aod tiguros howerer. that *lstands between possibility and prodiga! promises. Tbere are certain prices below whieh uo good. honest article oan bo boagbt. Those prices are oor’s. • ' —ifyou pay lessyon will certainiy get less- This is a plain statemeni wcrth remenibering. IWe don't know what got into the factory for tbey bave sent jos euoogh LADIES, SHIRT i WAlSTSto supply erery ladr oo j these IsIaods. We mnst get rid ;j of tfaem. Come in and tako your piok. Tbey all eame on the last steamer and are new designs and patterns. You nre paying more for CUR - TAINS at the public auction thau 1 we are asking. We have NOTTINGHAMS at. $150. MAD |RAS. BULARI0N, RAW SILK, , |ORIENTAL, ANTIQUES ETC.. !*j ETC., —we inteud tbat they shall 1 be soId, so now is a good time to 1 buy thcm. The samc advice will stand good throngh every department of our honse. When you eall. take a iook at our TOWELS and ĪOWELLINO CRKTONNES andFUKNITULE COVERINGS. Also our COMr FORTERS at $1. B. F. EHLERS & C0. :The Whlte House! - 118 N uuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS ) \ Firgt-cla$ [)ou$e IN EVERY RESPECT. Rooms froffl $1-50 lo $3.00 per Weel or 50c. per DayPAUL LKMK ī»:, PKOFRtATOM. Bvll Telephone 132. aug 22 POUND MASTEKS NOTICE. Xotice iu herebv giveu to ail per*on,s th*t there are *t the <ioTernment Poanol &t M«kiki, sii 8trayed hones. I red bor*e. whUe »pot on tbe foreh. »1 branded J K X on th<; left h.nd U*. t*>orie cocditton l whlte hone. branded A C on th<* lef, hind poorly i'onditioo. 1 bUck hor»e, br«nded Ton tbe klt btnd ml hor*«, wbttc »pot on the hwek, bntuded J K on tbe ni»ht hlnd le»; 1 while hor*o, hrand indUcrlbwhle on tho riKbt bifld !<x- pooHe oondltlnn 1 yrrv hone. whiie «put oa ihe tot«haad, three whitefe«t. braad indim:rib«blo oo (Ue teft hind lejf. iny persou or per*on» owing ibe»e h<>rv, are reqae»ted to c<>m<- aq(i take thc «ame on or before U o'eloek uoon SATLRI>AV SF.PTEMBEK 3. l-W JAHE8 KUKONA, .... . Ponnd Uaater, Hakiki. Aag. 27, 1391. ang 27 !wdJy NOTICE TO Mm, Pieaie Parties. Laatu —1N*D—OENEHAL PUBLICl At Sm !th’s Bcs and Livkbv Stablk, Kisci Street, [Adjoining Metropolitan Meat Market ; 1» the CfaMpe«t Plaoe m Town yon nn g* „****> Boap« »nd 8addi Honee. IlwnU p«y yon to wU .-1 w htion yoa try ei»iwh< re Molual Teiepbone 408 aagl.tf 290 Ring Up 29C United \ Carriage Company, M. REIS JJ.C. QŪĪNK POUN’H MASTEBS NOTICE. * btrtby giren lo *U penona thai to« ajw at ta« C*>r«rtm**ni Poaad at Ma boli». I bi»ok buIJ Amy pmou or pweaooa owing thaaa haiia «*• rwCQMri»d lo ouw aud uke tbe wm« oa wNfcee lt o'eioek noon. SArUADAT. 5EPT. l\ 1391. JAM£S KUKO>