Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — Floods. [ARTICLE]


In spito of tLe reeent sc«rcitv of w«ter the busiuess qn«rt< rs of Hon<>lula h«ve experienceJ sev»? r»l deluges rec<ntly. Tha oifices of W. G. Irwin A Co., nnd C:ans Spreckels C*., were drcnched last uight ihrongh a Up being left opeu iu tfi« upi»er p<rt of t <e baiiding. CoDaiderable damage W48 doue »nd the plaee looketl frigbtful tbi* morning Other btores that bave met tho s.une eipeiiei.oe l*tely are tho»5 of J. J. Egan. H. Tregloan. Haw. X« ws Co, aud M»cfarlane <fc Co. All nwo mor« or Iom damiged and \\Ji about iime that tbe ealpahl/ n o§ oct whieh eaueoa eaeh ehouKl be cbeckod. /