Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 26 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The Uiwaiian Liberiis met iast QiRUt The-Daily cotnpany will arrive : to morrow. I ______________ t Tbe Amelia left for Port Town sen<l yeeterday. | Tbe Mariposa is dae to-morrow from San Francisco. The Schoetzen club is giining cousiderable strenght. & T t»eie «re t»vo promin p nt di- i vurce suit» on the tnpis. The S. C. All-n will leave for • San Francisco to-murrow. Mr. W. M. Giffard Ieft to.vu { this morning for Waimaualo. The Board of Health held its j regoUr meet;ng t -d.iy The asse(ubled wisdom will be i . . | m session to murrow. W. G. lrwiu Ar Co. were water : ing their stocks Ust uight. The presideut will be ubseut ■ froui liouoiuia for about s x weeks E. C ; Macfariaue and T.J.King aro expectod to rotiuu iu tdo Mur.posa. Ewa plunt«tiou yie!ded 7,950 tous • f s. gur duiiug the luf-t seaSOU. Thero was u moetiug of the trjstoes of tbo Qaeeu’s rlo?pitul this moruiug. — The Presideut of Mexico has recoguized tbe iiaualiauj.iepub j lic. How mueh does it cost the gov erume.it to have tho Board ot lie g stration go dowu to Wuialua? Andrew Mooro, H. T B.ddwin | and Father Byivester left for Maui iu thc C audiuo yesierday, The Cathylic Cburch fair will | opeu nexi Tuesday eveuing. great preparatious hiv»* beou takeu to make it u suceess. Thcsc who kuow say that Wulter G. bmith lora;erIy editor of tbe btur will not returu to Houo lulu. Captaiu Milsaps of the Salva tiou Army went to Hawaii yes(erd«vday to fight the devil in Heil-o. Mr. C. A. Bmwq will be p!eas ant*y snrprised by lindiug a fiue :.dd tiun to his f ui.ily upon his returu. The Warrimoo will be laid up when she fiuishes her prese t trip aiul her plaee taken by tbe Miowera. D. H. liitchcock the wellkuown arlist has opened h s studio agiin after a short vacatiou speut ou Uawaii. Professor Scott rcce ved the I p'easing uews that liis d ughter wko hus been seriously ill w.s greatlv imi>roved aud out of dan- | g er - The Board of Kegistration left this mor dng m a w«ggouette foi a circuit Ol Uaho. Th y uiighl us well st*y at home or walk f i ; «11 the goud they do. >1 Seats for the Daily companyN ; oj»euiug i erformauco next Saturd y aro be ug rapidly takeu. Those desinug tu be preeeot ai the prtm>ert should eall «t L J Lev«ys' ollie at •nee. L Ziie Kīnney, who w.s ch«rg ed witb Nrceny of « silk patt«n , | frotn J. J Egau s re h»s paie for the goixls «lieg d l • have be r i stole« nmi the prosecutiou Uj1 ! dropped ihe cise. “ j The truatees c f the Bo*rd o s ; Houllh traus«cled wue bu« nes i conaectcd w»th Ihe »Cl to ui tigat w whiuh uudoubUd y wdl ho o i l*6u£t to UiU OOUiUiUiUl/-