Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Benson. Smith & Co., The Corner & DRU6 STORE Pnre Drugs, Pine Perfuiues, / I 3 rompl Attention, Low Prices Corner Fort & llolel Sts. au! ’ ARRIVEB ‘ ‘ .' ‘ t » French aml Scotch Gingham3 (new) .., .10c., - |k c. au l 2,<c. Victoiia Lawns (new). 10 yils for 75c. Whito l)r ss Gooils (new).. 10c., lōo.. '10c., *2-3c. f :>0c.. 3 <c White anil Colored Dimities [new] ‘20c. aul -’ <c Llannelletts, all colors, (new> 10 yils for ohl maxira—“Therc is nothing new unler tha sun M —knoekoil ont. Call arul be convinceJ. * / * M. S. LEVY, Who is now settled in Benson. Smith & Co. s 01d Stand, Fort Street HOLLISTER & CO. Importars, Wholeaale and Rotiil Dealers in Pine Oig*aa:3, Sxx2.o3xixxgr Toloacco, AVU Smo]ssis Agents for the Celebrated Gr. B. x>. pipp:s; MADE IX PARIS. PDEIFIED WATEE. No Microtoes. gpi'l tJ8ED BY T!IE 03XS )LIDATED SODA WATER ;WORKS [COMPANY— Limited. 12.037* isla tlae Fovm.taXi2.s l2.xouLg'ja.O'a.t; tlxe’ Cit37", RXCEPT1XG OXE a,3;Cx3rstaT. it. -cs aug7