Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

M.\CFAULAXK a co l)t'alers in Wines am{ Spirii* Kuhnawa S;rr«. Uonolala. H. E. McTNTYRE A BRO. Gkockrt Feed Stobe A Basert Corner of King an<I Fort Su . Honolnln J. PHILUP8. PRACT1CAL PLUMBEfi. GAS.FnTER X>PPER SMITH, House an.i Ship Job \Vork Promptlv Execntetl. No. 71 King Street. Honoluli 1>m. M< I.ENNAN. F<*rt Street, al*>.ve Mulnal Teiephone 6'•'2, f*r nfHce; 2s7 lbr residencv. jy28 KD. c. UOWE. Honse Sign ond Oinanienlal Painter. Mvnufactnre of Liquid S!atir;g. King Streel. augl LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Hetil Estate and Oenenil Auctioneer. Oorner,Fort and Quecn Strects Honolahi Personal atteuti<*n g<ven to 8aies of Ftirnilure. Real Estate, Stock an<l Gener: ! MeioLumliso. Mntnal 'I’elei.honw 2;tf “FAT BOY.” 8AL00N ! P. McINERNT, Proprjetor, Pine Liquors. Wines ami Beer. Cornks Bkthel and Hott.l Sts. ~ Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRIGHT, Pkopuiktor, (8uccessor to <» West). PaRKIAGE BLTLDING and UEPAIRING. \u All Ordcrs from thc Other Uland< in the C»ni»ge Btiildtnx. Trinnni«ir uud Painting Line will Meet vrith Prornpt Attentlon. Ulaek-miihiu:; in All Its V*rl»*us Branchca Done. P. O. Bos S2l. Nos. 128 and 130 Fort Street. j)T‘J W. S. LUCE Wine and Soirit Merchant Campbell Fire-proof Block, MERfJHANTST HONOHU.U. 71:BOTH TKLEPHONKSs 74 —C0NS0L1DATED— St)DA -WATKR -TVOKKS -: ('O. (l.tMITTKD.) Anchor-:’Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA,” Another Invoice of the Worltl Kcnowned FREOERICKSBlHG UGER BEER “On draught aud by the keg.’ Also, as a Specialty. Small Fresh California 0)STERS. FO!t COCKTAlLS mayl S«TMF, L pcrson» *ie w»ru#T no» lo penaii the»r ro lre-«fn«» on the Uiul» (»uew*i »Ril ILtiu-il.ih, t>elougiag the lenigura ric* )>Untri» AU «n<mds r»d on «tmri«s on ihe nee UnT« wi!I b» ono<tnd or *hot. LEXTAl wai sing kee. lonolnln. Aog » l*M- ■“« I Wo Wing Kee Co. « NLUANU stkeet lrr* in L*duV <fc >t*< B <ots •nd Show uu.»ie U) ordtr. xa