Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Never Say Die. [ARTICLE]

Never Say Die.

The wreckiug syndicate is feel- : iug in *good orders. The late aucti u >ale yiclded about $2000 aud a!though ihe w»ather is un- i fnvorable tow»nls presout work t ere c.»u le n» donbt tb: tin a wry slu>rt while ihe ‘•bo-dle” wiil l>e li en The schooner Hsleaka'a is \>t at Molokni and the \vreolere «re watcbing th«ir' c!u:ues with iatervst. t So far the«% sj>ecultttion ha* been payiug. With a little patieuce the iuterest«d parties will find themse!ves j u-hettd.