Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A Complete Hunting Ontfit. One Irish S**tter b ; tch of the l>est b!0"d m An»er ca; reg āler*-d n A. K. S. B. «ud p. rtly broken. One Pointer b tch bv the eele-b.-«t.d (jlenbe gh thdt c._>et ?JOOO m En£l*ud. < Ooe Pup five tveeks o!d fatber •nd tnothe»‘tnurooghbreeds. One B :ckbiwrd bailtespe< , i«llj for baritnig purposes. One 12 g>«ge L. C Snt th g»io 4S g *«>d «s ne« nnd in Hn» order. I'iie nb >ve outfit will be suid che«p Euqoire of W. H. CUNNINGHAM, Ancbor.Saloon. sepl9 tf

V I » POUXD MASTER*S XOTICE N'wlāoa a ho»bT to «0 penoiu. th*t tban M «t tho C>onrTuiacQi Poacd *t jj ( . ktki. 004 Hnjr*d r»d bnLnd«d Ka m tho iight hu>d l*g. «hit* «p >i ob the ior«bo»d *ad 08 th« back, boLh hiad imi «» «hod«i. 1 »hU8 >uilwo hr-o<ied ud» eniMhi». P**>a or penoaa o«o*d- th* . r«q««8tad to «um» *ad uke Uw 4>tD4on or holow thtf <Wy o'eioek «*» v/Ci'. sr. ujh. WkL ka u*a, tfi4tinr