Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — NEWS CULLINGS. [ARTICLE]


) , LonJon, Oct. 3. Tbe death is f unnounctd of t!ie Duke of Somer r set, agod 84. Londoa, Oct. 3. The strike i «mong the dredge hands is extonding at Suez. ' S^ >rtr ‘ s - Oct.' 2. A cablegrani froiu>lluuritius states that u hloekade hus been declured at all Madaguscar ports. The Freuch Uosi.font Gouerul has gone to Turnatuve. St. Petersburg, Oct. 2. The Cz .r has started for the Crimea. i'rofessor Dryden, i f Berliu, eonsider that he may recover if he eun maintaiu good spirits and keep up hia strength. The Times says that England will allow France & free haud in AIadaguscir witbiu. limits. No dispute is 1 ikoI\* to suddenly tliceaten the gooJ relutions of tho two eounries Mrs. Anuie Besant is uow in Aack>aud, and will probably be m Honolulu short!y. I