Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

pi EgT([TE Hduse KenUnā and Colisction Agency LOAXS i.egoli»tfd on Real E»tate «nd Per«od*1 Property Now ii tbe time to te*t jonr propertj, v the a«n»o<l for home* i< k pcra*sing ererrd»T. Strmnfm »re com!sg U> thc Pandae in grtkt nom ber». 'Ve h*re aoae mo*t d»irmble propertj for sale. If ron owe a !ot. aod desire to bnild a bome, w t will lamt»h tbe bobcj ob hvonbte tenns. Tcb Investn:ant Cn., Genenl Keal E*ute AfenU. 13 ae-i 15 Kaahnmaim »treet. C. A. LONG. Notarj Puhiie Tdephone 639 oov3 Kpnepal Water. Aa LūTi«Jce ot tbr Cetebnt«d SH AST A W A T E R }ast re*etred dinret froB tbe Sprieg« ta Sbaata. Caltfonala SIIASTA ’ iatbe Sne»t Miaenl Water la lbe worid !l 5» a*ed ia ererr leaiin* botei and on aU tie nilwaj ean ia tbe Uttited Statea. "SaASTA” tk tbe Q«eea af all UMa waterc; bleaA» p«Tfc«Uj vitb bqaor o< aO kMa and » a natual nfief for aU «kordm ot tbr F«r tale br aU MCG01STS «ad tbe ■&cfariaM ā C«. LM.,