Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


i Henri«tta next Th bj the Eoem ?” o. Thurad«y. W *l»« G. b«s g<* « berth on the Chronic:«. Concert «t Lmaa Squ*re tonigbt Russia and Goat«mala L*v« recognized tbe Hawaiian repnblic. ' Cinderella’’wiil attract a big matinee of children on Saturdav. ~ Dailey and Lis players depart : by tbe Maripona.

RThe pioneer boi!ding and loai Msociation will meet tonight The wheelmen had a fioe loai ' a * Moanaloa yesterday. ) — Mrs. A. Kaulukoa has a card ol l thanks in this issoe } ) | * >1 Whogot into the w r ong p« D ) j yeaterday ? l»rheFanning Island eanoe took a r«st yesterday, I ~ Iho great drama “Wages ol Sin will be the only plav nexl week. i * TLere will be an bicycle meet on TLanksgivinp day. lheNovember number of th« Anglican Church Chronic!e is out. The Pamāiae afthe Pacific will be published in tiine for Anstralia’s mail. * There are several rcfcent arrivals in town iniemlin i to sUrt basiness here. | Miss Maria returned to town from Kauai yesterday morning. — Miss C. M. StraLn a well-known dressmaker died/saddenly yesterda3’ morning. / A. Barnes, b/>kkeeper of the ; Haw. Com., «fc Sugar Co., bas | resigned. Plie Kiuau leaves tomorrow on her uiual route return on the 13th insi. Mrs. Thi*ds is working up a Theosophical lodge and several persous applieel for membership. Ton ofiicers of the French cruiser at cnded diviue service at the Romafi Catholic Chnrch 3-68-terday. 1 Beach qove is a fine seaside resoit at Waikiki and will nuder its present management become a favorite resort for families who wisb to “pienie” near the briny deep. . The safc of tha Waikapu p]ant«tion by Air. Cornweli to Brewer »tCo., aswaported a while ago h*s not yet |een perfected. Dr. X- Rodgers is the secretarv ovthe labor commission. It is exuacted th«t the oommission will bigin work in a few days. Mr.i Piekena who will have charglof the Kahuloi storebelongiug t JtheH. C. A S. Co., axriyed 1 in thf Austn!ia. Ty H. P. Glade frotn Liverpool for Konolulu was obliged to putin m Montev!deo last moctu, he c\A> beirg beated. ihe Adveriiser atai«s tbat a p#ty of Amenean ‘amall’’ farmJrs will shortly arrive here and mo into the farming basinesa. rTbe morning paper doean’t state j ' how ]ong Uie oolony will stav; here—or get government job* Every body was pk>ue yesterday. Even geoial Paul dreseed j ie a rellow chrreantbemam risiked the Central Uniou. No serious damage to the roof. Dr. Atcheriy «nd Mw» Mary Leieo were marriad ai Kawaihae laai week. The yoong eoople left in the Kinaa for tk« rolicano ami will proceed from tbere to Hono kaa. lk ia th« iwkeaiion of tbe doctortogoto Englaad »bortly via Samoa, and AnaUalia*

AU Pronounced Succeasea The plays aonouoeeU by Mr I>ailer for tbe fihal week of tn< B prwent eogagemeot are eertaioh wortby of more thao |>iaaiii|i consideration. Tbe week opeaa 1 with Hewanl a **Senrietta. r ’ played aoeeeaaloll/ f%r years by Stnart Robson, foi!owed by the great - mUitary drama “Heli by the Enemy," and closiog with matinee and of 1 tbe apeeiaele fCindereIla" or The Glass Slipper. ,r The aeenie : irtist and stege parpenters have b©en working foriweeks preparing or these playa, flpd we may look forward to the biggest amusement treat ever witnessed in Honolulu. 1 Seats bave begun to sell very I lively. 1