Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

?hf HoUnnua <Talfndar. NOV. 5. 1394. Poll Oei, 6 14 ■*21 New Mooa, -28 I |'**KI> POBT. HTU n 1! M S H.nōaih, M*y, E«qaiauiilt, D|C. «mnimio. iv A i K *n:. Brown, NewoMlle, N 8 W. bs w ' H Pin»ond, Nilaoo, 8 F. * . , . n - t Alol»», ī%bel. Sen Frmnrisro. v OM Kelk>ss, I van*en, Cr*y’« /f*rbor. 0*s b. Hr»ndlette, 8 F. Mt 0*kUnd. Se»ttU. ]

FORi:i<>* VWEUKXrErTKB. Rohert.. Layaaa Id I>ne p V S S City of Pekinjr.Vokoluma. -Oct 9 l’Ualer L*ritan Id....Oct 5 \ »rh AhoeOiok.. .Pt TownsendOct 12 \Bjl-kt Kllkitat Pt Towrnwnd.Oct 20 An bk Elp.tw.re NeweaeUe... .Oct 20 īt t Oix*r Foreft ,.Newcaetle.... Oct 2q liwk Eooleoheek. Ltrerpool Oct 30 A -n«rhrl v» Enreka Oct 31 H«» bk M*un» AU. .NeweaeUe.. Nov 18 An. e>hr Purit*a....Newc»stle.. .Nov 30 \ r*hip <»Univor. Newcn*tle.. .Nor 30 Qtt bk l'anl Isenberg.. Bremen Dec 10 sbipH F (llade LiTerpool,...Jan 30 *iail nebvice. ft*eaniph : .p« will leave for and arrive ln>m San Franciaco and other (oreign on or about tbe following date«, till tbe eloee of 1894. Uaw Ho>otn.r Dr* at Ho5oi.clc n>a Sa>* FKA?tciaoo. Fx. 8a» Frakci9cd oa Va>cocvkr. or Vancocv*r. Pekins 0»t 9 Anstndia Oct. 6 Au»tmia Oct. 13 Arawa Oct. 24 Alanied» Oot. 18 Monowai ,...Oet. 25 Miow*ra Nov 1 Au»tralia Sov. 3 An»tr»lia Nov. 10 China Nov 12 M»nposa....NoT. 15 Alameda.... Nor. 22 tl>vanir Nov 19 Mioweia Nov 24 Arava Dec. 1 Australia Doc. 1 Anstr»lia Dec. 8 Oeeanie Dec 11 Wonowai ....Dec. 13 Mariposa Dec. 20 Mhiweia.... Dec. 31 Aiawa.. Dec. 24 Chiaa 31 An»tralia Dec. 29 The I’autbeon 8aloon ia the dcj)ot for the celebrated EnterpriseBeer, where it ean always he found eool and fresh on tap. We <lo not deal in ‘ Frvderickeburg lieer” as the morning Paper—throngh some mielake haa advcrtised. Call at the Pantheon for re-fre9hing drink. •IIM D0DD, Proprietor. * Tilk aboat braying asso8. The (own is fnll of them. McBrayer’s vhiskey is only to be found at the Empire Saloon. And when it’s found it stays. * Kn. Keqna of theEmpireSaloon has made a now deal whieh will touch the hearts, or at least tbe palates of many u thirsty wanderer. He keepa '‘half-and-half” on draught and serves a most delicious and eool bevorage, far superior to“plain” beer. ee 17 tf J. J. Williams tho well-known Artistic Photograpber is making a spocialty of portraits on Watch Dials and 8ilk Handkerchiefs. Completo sets of Lantern slides lectures ean be had at thegallery. For they are sold at a roasonable hgnre by the dor.en or by the hundred. * Ilaniwai BatliHDUSE The uuders ! goed h*ving LmEP ’ tbe well knewn Il.aNiwaI Bath Hoi se at Waikiki, begs to ioform Tou. that it wi!l be run as a Slrict/y First-Class \BATHING RES0RT. 8pecia( aec»ommod*iioQS for L«dit8 and Cbildren. f W"fS. BARTLETT, Proprietor. r.s Tram-cara paw the pli 008 kamehameha Gli SCHOOL. Tbe hm tn '<* »»» asas.r ■££& £ "" a> I Lm Pup* «itWr ai »■ Mauual or Um Vap», wjfl ba la s ahe wili be piwa*d tu*et an nta nud*r 12 Oot. 11-I&L. Hawa- . Ko