Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

8RUCt CARTWRICHT oi rn mp.4 mtie Er \noMrj l gir*a to ti» —-~-g—t—-<hiap-lian*hip6. Trasta, *tc., rte. Oipou, : Ca.Hirriyki BuUding, Uercbant Street, Honohihi H. &AY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee ,j Hoasters ' AND 'Provision Merchants 98,Fort Street. Honolulu

Families, Plautations ani Sbips sapplied with choicest European & A merican G-roccrics California Produce by Every Steamer. AIerchant JExchange Corner King aua Naaanu Streete. S. I. SKA\V....Proprirtor. The Finest selection of UQCOBS and BEKR, suld an\-where in the iown. Fin>t-class atteudanoe. Call and jadge foryonrself. no 113—tf.

flationaI \m WoPl^ QC£EX Street, Betwoen Alakea & Bichard StSi THE ŪSDEBSIGNED are prepared to make kII kinds of Iron Br.is?, Broazc, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castinp=. A1jo General Repair Shop for Steam Eugines, Rice Milla, Corn MiUs, * Water Wheels, \Vind MiUs, etc. Maehinee for the Cle*ning of Coffec, Castor Oils,‘Beans, Ramie, Sisal, Pinaapple Leaves & other Fibrons Planl», And Paper Stock Al*o Maehine* for Eitracting Starch fro* the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. |3T AU Ordew promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO.

Per S.S. AUSTRALIA froui thc Coast CAMAKINOS Refrigeratpr Contain a Full Supply of Icc House, such as Frozen Oystors, Crabs, Fresh Saliuon, Caulitlowei Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaehee, Apricot Mectarincs,

Japanese Plums Tokay Grapes, Gennan Prunes Cravrtord Peaohes, Silver Prunes Rose Peni Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Sikle Pcars, Eu\ CaUfomia Fruit Harket. Afuioal TeL 378 lt

CAUFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT 8TBEET, Melnerny Blodc. JOBBER8 OF WINES, and