Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LAWMAKERS. The Men Who Wiil Attempt To Make Laws For Hawaii. Senators:—Cecil Brown W. C. Wilder, J. A. McCandless, H. W . Scbmidt, H. Watetboose, J. N. Wright, H. P. Ba!dwin, A. Hoeksngs, W. T. Horner, J. Kanhane. F. S. Lrman Chas. Notley Sr., Frank Korthrup. Geo. N. Wileoi and W. H. Hiee. Repīesentatives: —C. L. Carter. E. C. Winston, D. Naone, CapL Cluney, J. DaTis, L. K. Halnalani, W. P. Haia, E. M. Hannnaa A.Pali. S.K. Kaeo, W. McBryde E. M. Kicbards, R- Rycroft, E. C. Boud and S. P. Kamanoha.

BEACH GROVE New Sea Side, Pieuie and Bathing ResortHas been opexkd up. axd is sow ksu\j to receive risitors. The nevr resort is under tbe of Charl<~> F. Warren. The p'aee is vnthin a conven1 ient <listanee frotn town. and two minutes walk, from the Tram Cars (Bishop‘s switeh) The premise» whieh will be at the disposal of patrons comprises between four and nre acres of beantilul grasay grounds, overshadowed by tropical treēs. Also a eonnplete outnt of bath rooirs and bathing snits. : Tbere is a great deal of romanc« conuected with these grouuds. It is said to be tlre exact spot on tho Beach wbere Kamehameha ihe conqueror landed with his thousands of warriors bent npon the conqnestof Oahn. There is a sacred pond npoa the land snp•>lied from a legeudary spring. For hnndred of years the uatives have used thig : water f<ir medicinal purposes more especially as they elaim as an efifective remedy for rheuma.ism and para'ysia. Beaoh Grove ; or Kawehewehe was a portion of the sea j side reside jce of that great chief and warrio.% Kamehameha I. These new bathing aud recreaiion grounds will be exclusively for the use of fa®lies. Ladies and children will enjoy a days outing at Beech Grove. The water is just deep enough fto be eomfortable with a niee sandy beach. This new resort supplies a long felt warl and is sure of liberal patronage. Charges wiU be extremely mode.*ate so as to eome within the reach of all. AU throngh the grounds there are arbo-s and shaded bowers furnished with tables and seats for the accommodation of tbose who bring olong their own eatablos. Sandwiches, cakcs, soda water and lemonade on iee may be had at the premises. Ilonolula, Nov. 5, 1S(M. 2wks-dly. . .... ■■ 11. Circait Coai 1 t Fii$t (Jii , cait of ths jlawaiiaq l^Iand^ IN PROBATE. Iiithcm.-ittcr of tt>c F.state of Hknki G. McGKE\viuteof Houolnlu, Oahu deccascd, iutestale. OS' Rsading and Filing the Petiton of Ai.1'Hossine McGkew of San Franci»co, Cal. alleging that 11eski G. McGrew of Uonolulu died intcstate at Uonolnlu, onthe22day of October, A. D. 1S5M, and praying that Letters of Administration issue to JŌseph O. Cakter Sr. It is okuekeu that Friday the 23 day of Xovember, A. D. 181M, at 10 ō’eloek a.m., be and hcreby is appoiuted for Uearing said Petition, in tbe Court Room of the Court, at Honoluiu, at whieh timc and »lace all persons concerned may appcar and show canse, if any they havc, wLy said Petiton sbouid not be grantcd. Date Uonolalu, H. I. < )ct. 24, A. D. 1804. By tbc Court, Geobue Lccas, Clerk. oct23-tf pi EgTJ\TE ‘ Hcuse REn J .iug and CcllBstion A2Ency Ioans negotiated on Rsal Estata and Ferscnai Frcperty, Xow is the tiim fo list yonr propcrty, as thc demand for homes la increasing everyd*y. Strangen? atv coining to u The Paradis« " in great numbcrs. We have »omc mo»t desirable property for sale. lf you own a lot. and desire to baild a homē, we wlll lurm-h the moncy on favorab!e terras, Ths Hawailan InvBstmaiit Ca., Generai Real Est«te Agcnts, 13 and 15 Kaahnmanu «treet. C. A. LOXG. Xotary Publle Telephone 689 nov3 MOBGAG EES XOTICEOFIXTEXTIOX T0 FOEECLOSE AXD OF SALE. Xotke is hereby givea tbāt pursuant to a | power of ule oontatned in a eeiiain mortl gage d*ted September Ist, A. D. 1892, made by GEORGE XAKIADA aud MAKAEA GEOBG£ his wife. of Honoln'o, IsUnd of Oaho.lo Malie Kahai, lateof aaid Honolnlu deeeased, reoorded in the office ot the Eegistrar of Conreyancee, m Liber 138, fohos22I-2-3 J. A.e’ummini, Adniinwtrator vith : Will annexed of the WU! of the s*id Malie Kahai, deoeased, in:ends to foredoee said mortgage for a breach of the conditions in said mortgage contained to wit: the nonpavmect o( both the pnneipal aud interest when due. Nctice is al*n herebv given that all and singular tbe Iands, teoMnent8 and beredtuments in said mortgage oo itained and descnbed, will be «oīū at Pabhc Aueōon, at the Anctiou room ol Ltwa J. Levey, on Queen Street. ia sajd Honoiuin Jcn WEDX ESDAT. the :* DAT of XOVEMBER A. D. 1894, at 12 e eioek nooa of *aid day. The pioperty in mid mortgige i» thus deecrihed, riz: That certata pieoe of laad lieoale ia Pau oa. Hoaoluhi. alowid, aad ahso that certaia pūee oI iaad «itsata at / uwaiolm-n, Honoln'u alonoaki, deaeribed ia Kov*l Patent 179», Land U mniwon Awani 3154 to Makak>ulu,eonv«ysd to Umauma epio by Pmauma hu father. by deed re«orded in Liber 30 Ip. 290-7, aad by said Uioauma mm to Geoe» Kakiia » by re«o*ded ia Lfber H6 p- »7-8. Tenn eaah ia U. S. GoJd Cotn. De«ds at «rew oi purcfca*er. For further p*rtieui»re, apply to Ja». K. Kanha aad Enoeh Johaaoa. Attoraeys for tbe A<Uuiat*trak r with the Wiaannet»i ol the WUl of Maiie Kahai. deoecaed, MortWill of J. A. CCXMIX& _ wuh the WīU aaa«zsd o i the u»iv, Kahai, Aeeaaae 1. ortJ>akd Uoaoluln, Oct. 24, IS»4. »y.