Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Thr itolomua (talradar. XOV. 10,1894. :! M To W Th P» 8-.^ _L 2 3 Pal’ML^n! S 9 1° Pb« 5 * 19 ,, ,o |3 U 15 I* 1T 51 '* — N>w Mooo, ,9 20 22 23 * “» v y> r. » » » i VI3WEL.;il P«KT. XATAL JtrAC«nth. M»r. E«qaim»nlt. B C. FT .. e b »»i>hip Dogu*7-Tronin. C«Iko. «anumE'. f) Autnli*. Houflk*tte, 8 F. ,.i A.n.Am. Brown, KewowUe, K 8 W. U,» ,4 Mauha Al». Xewca«tle. . .. ' k* Kl!kitat PtTown«end. i a,-h Alifv Cook... Pt Townsen<i , . - Ijr»er*. «»oodmeo, Lai*aii I». Sj. k ( > !r<.» F«rMt, MfJn!M*»«, N*-wc‘*tle. Kr • k ;i»e ? N C«»tle, HiilihAnl, 8. F. -. Albert, <”11119111*, 8. F. j,. : - V*n«liAn, Kine. K»be. • r; . hr K»», kiitK*nl. F,orck*. rnKI I<>3 V»A*KLS EXPE< TED. A , - i.r PoriUn....Sewo*etle...Nov 30 \ r >i!iip <M«niror.. Newca*tle. ..Not 30 G<r bk r*nl Isenberg.. Bremen.... .Dec 10 (>l»de LiTerpool....Jan 30 rOREHi3 ’UIL SKKVI(r. S;eAttiabipe will leave ior ami arrve i r ,,in San Francisoo and other foreign on or al»ont the folIowing <iate8, lill the eloae of 1894, I..aw Ho>coLCLr Dra at Honolplp „, K s*v FKAS0900. Fi». 8as Fkascltoo ok Va>cocver. or Vancoctek. Mu wcra Nov 3 Anstralia Xot. 3 Not. 10China Nov 12 MArif->AA N< t. I." Alamela Not. 22 Oiv«.nc Nov l!* Miowem Nov 24 AnwA Dec. 1 \nttralia.... Dec. 1 Anoinlia Dec. 8'Oceanio Ikrc 11 Mun.wai ....Dec. 13 Mariposa..,.Dec. 20 j Mi >wera,.». Dao. 31 Arawa Dec. 24 i ChinA Dcc 31 An«troliA....Dec. 29 Tlio I’anlheon S»loon ia the dej>ot lor the oelebrat«d Enterj>ri?eBeer, ifhere it ean a!ways be i'ouiul eool and fresh on tap. We «lo u<it deal in Bcer’’ as the tnorning I’aper—through somc niistnke has adverti?ed. Call at the Pantheon for rc-freshing drink. JIM D01)D. Proprietor. * Talk aboul braying asses. Tho iown ts full of thein. McBrayer s whiskey is only to be fouud at tho Empīre Saloon. And when it’s found it stays. Kn. Keqna of lheEmpire Saloon Las tnade a uow deal whieh will touch the hearts, or at least the palates of many u thirsty wanderer. He keeps , ‘half-and-balf” on draugbt and sorves a most delicious nnd eool bovorage, far snperior to “plain ’ boer. po 17 tf J. J. Williams the well-known Artistic Photographer is making h specialty of portraits on 11 atch Dials and Silk Handkerchiefs. Coiuplete sets of Lantorn slides leoturos ean be had at the gallery. For thoy are sold at a reasonablo 6guro by the dozen or by the huudred. Ilaniwai HatliHausE The nndersigood having Leasei* ,he well knewn IlaMwaI BatH Hoi sk at Waikiki, begs to inform vou. that it will be run as a Strictly First-Cfass BATHING RES0RT. »W- Spccīil »cc .m'<KHlationf f-<r LĀdiea and Children. W. S. BARTLETT. Proprietor. p.s. Tram-cars pass the pl.ee KAMEHAMEHA gikls SCHOOL.

•n* hw» ltnu of «*• School »iU op*u Wodoc«i«T. P*»-. .*”• «i »o m«« r«pf «* lhe L 5A»uu*l or MiJlVpo,'»*» in tho H*V »!»b Ktod«isr«rteB ***** H*3l. 6otunUy tuition i* hftr dOiUr» ($5®-) • • ** r f ~ «tn.lteonte recōir<*i nud*r 12 vt«ri oT •«• 11 IHU-U*

Emploijinent Eui’eau. IX IJfFOKMATION āHD n m«D( B«nu kw >»* ** **? V(Mr, A«ia, on Kicg •*»« *° um Tixaw. Pvum <to«inng WW ftWI > : 1W P>m«. *«**»« *7<L wri