Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

*|AW\II^N L. J. LEVEY Le««e W. R. DAILEY. Mtnager Second Se son of Dailey Stock Co., the persooa! directioa of W. R Dailkt. 0«>*Last 'W'eek I Saturday Maūnee. at 2 p. m. and Saturday Evening. Nov. 10. 1894, (»rand »pectacular Pr®<.luction C1NDERELLA. SECURE SEATS EARLY! Doors open at 7:30, Cartain wi!l riso at 8 o’e'oek prorapt. se‘>2 W

FOK H4LE. 8.000 815AL PLAXT8 lrom the B»h»naj lMand« Uarc bem im('orted &nd ean be nad in quantitica to »ait by applying at tbo B Lomi'a OrncK Tho»e in net indu«trie» >buula out U>se Uiu opportanity. oct 1} t4 P.EAL ESTATE AGENCY. Houses to rent and for S;tle. R-nt8 collectod, conveyancing in all its branches attended to witb promptness and despatch. Hokoulu Riul Estate Agexcy. 103 Fort St. LEWIS & C0. Wholesale snd Retaii 6roceries AXD PROVTSION DEALERS. FRESH CAUF0RN1A 8ALM0N ONICK By Every 8an Francisco 8teamer, Salt Salmox ix Babbels a Spbcialty. /// Fort St., Hanolulu. Tel. 240, • p , O. Box 297.

T. B. Murray In X«w lo be I'ouml Ou Ihe e« Ntaml, Xo. ... King- Nt.— IIIn Bn»ine*« a« CARRIAGE

hm Manofactorer o (ioes On. When tiie “Iiulepeiuienl’ P A.RTY” gets suiashe«l he wiH be ready to

R£PilB Pill! ilO TRil I! At a Reasonabl« Figure.— Nc £xtra Chargo for Forniahin| Uk«m vikh Commoo Bense. LET THEM BDfG UP MŪXCAL TELEPHONE 572