Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — BUSTLE AND HURRY ALONG THE FRONT [ARTICLE]


COAL AND COAST SHIPS ARRIVE Golden Shore Make* Fast Trip From Newcastle—Alta and Newsboy Come From Same Port—Tillie E Starbuck From Coast, Yesterday was a banner day along •he waterfront and mere was a continual hustle on the wharves until long aftei 5 o'clock The Two tug boats had their hands full towing ships in and out of the harbor, and many people were thankful that th p tug Kleu was out helping the ship mg to go undelayed. Early yesterday morning and long before the sun had risen above the horlton. the Chilean barkentine Alta appeared off the harbor. She Itad made n good voyage of 61 days from Newcastle, and was towed to an an «borage m the str -am by the Fear less. Shortly after the Alta had arrived the American barkentine Newsboy, a!s‘> fit days from the same port, ar lived and the tug Eleu went out to her and brought her to the Allen's wharf where she was made fast About 1 o’clock 'he four masted > hooner Golden Shore was sighted off Diamond Head ami came In about S o'clock ending a magnificent passac of 4S days from Newcastle. Shortly afterwards Diamond Head Charlie had his eyes attracted by something on the far away horizon and spotted the Tillie F- Starbuck. The big square ngg-d ship so fami I ar to the Honolulu waterfront was towCd in bv the Fearless and docked at Brewer's wharf shortly after 5 o’clock , The Starbuck brought hut little fr* isnt for Honolulu and no passenger*. Captain Curtis reports a good passage down the Coast with fine weather and fair winds She was 15 days on her trip Captain Curtis has not much faith in the fumigating operations now going on at Honolulu Before sating for the CoaM a few wrecks ago. bis sh p was thoroughly fuluigated by the Territorial authorities, but without success Not a single dead rat was found on board, but hundreds of live ones could be se» n two days after leaving Honolulu When the Starbuck left San Frani isco the British sloop of war Con dor had not been heard from there She is now <4 Jay* out from Victoria for Honolulu. At 5 o'clock the Globe steamer Eu reka sailed for Kahului where she • 11 d-.haige the rest of her cargo and take In a load of sugar. She will then return to Seattle and load again for Honolulu