Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — YEAR’S SHIPBUILDING IN THE UNITED STATES [ARTICLE]


STATISTICS OF TWO COUNTRIES Output of Clyde Shipyards Last Year Largest on Record—Over Half Million Tons—Decline on the Atlantic Seaboard. During the six months ending December 31. 1901. there were built in the United States and officially numbered by the bureau of navigation 717 rigged vessels of 157.073 gross tons, compared with 568 rigged vessels of 1779.229 gross tons for the correspon ding six months of 1900 Canal boats and unrigged barges are not included. The principal decline. 19.752 tons, is on the Atlantic seaboard, and is attributed to work on several large ocean steamers, which will be completed during the coming six months. Included in the six months figures are 38 vessels, each over 1000 tons, and aggregating 103.832 tons Of these 14 steel steamers, aggregating 52.310 tons, were built on the Great Four are for th« seaboard, two banana steamers. Watson -anil Buckman. each of 1820 tons, the Hugoma 2182 tons, and the Minnetonka 5270 tons The Minnetonka will be cut in two to pass the canals. On the seaboard 15 wooden schormers. of 24.964 tons, were built, five steel steamers for the coasting trade, and one steel ferry boat, aggregating 20.964 tons, Square rigge'; vessels are the steel ship William P. Frye' 3.374 tons, and two barkentines on the Pacific, aggregating 2.310 tons. A London dispatch gives the shipbuilding statistics of Great Britain for 1901. which shows that 1233 vessels were launched in the United Kingdom representing 1.797.675 tons and 1.476.818 horse-powrer compared writh 1248 vessels. 1.660.709 tons, and 1.237.626 indicated horsepower in the , year 1900 These launchings included 870 ships representing 857 690 tons for foreign and colonial owners. The output of the Clyde shipyards for the past year was the largest 1 on record. For the first time it totalled over half a million of tonnage. <